We fired our GC last summer after we became fed up with project delays and the poor quality of work. He performed general construction, electrical and plumbing work. I have asked for and not received copies of his licences and insurance. I cannot find a GC license in the name of his company on line. I strongly suspect that he is not licensed and neither were the sub contractors that he used. Communication came to an end before Setpember. Recently we received notification that he has placed a construction lien for $1000 on our home yet it was filed almost a month prior to this notification. We did not receive a NTO or intent to lien although he claims in the lien to have sent one by certified mail. There are still issues in the home as a result of his work. We are going to repair these ourselves over time but I expect they will cost in excess of $1000 to resolve. Am I correct in thinking that the lien is invalid because a) no notice of intent b) over 90 days since work stopped and c) not delivered with 15 days of being filed ? This is aside from him possibly being unlicensed. What should I do next and what more can he do? Thanks