Hi,We retrofit properties that have been sold and are in escrow. We only perform the city and state requirements of sale consisting of water conservation devices and safety items such as automatic gas shut off valves, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, water heater strapping etc. We provide escrow with a "Certificate of Compliance" which is needed for them to close. This is our 24th year in business and we perform roughly 5,000 jobs per year.For this property escrow closed and we did not get paid. We have a signed work authorization from the seller. Unbeknown to us escrow had an amendment transferring the retrofitting responsibility from the seller to the buyer. Neither buyer nor seller are wanting to pay the invoice which is $3,150.50. What are our lien options? We would like to place a mechanics lien on the property if possible.Thanks in advance for your help.Fabian Friedman