Hello, I provided various improvement works on a property located in Westlake Village, Ca. I did not get paid and had to file a Mechanic's Lien which I did succesfully. I was considering filing a Mechanics Lien foreclosure lawsuit when the owner volunterily announced he was selling the property. I notified both the seller ( owner who owed me the money) and the buyer about my mechanic's Lien. I was offered in writing to be paid out of Escrow to which I agreed. I stood ready and willing to be paid and in exchange to release the Mechanic's Lien however the promised payment was never made. It was a mystery how they closed Escrow. It has now become known to me that a strange Surety Bond has named me as an Obligee, but once again I am not offered to be paid per said bond. It appears my payment now delinquent 2 years has been switched to a Bond worth nothing. I am deceived and hope the entities involved Escrow, Title company, the Bond Company can correct themselves and pay me ASAP. I am a victim of the Wolsey Fire and have a family emergency and need help receiving the payment I am owed.