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How to defend against mechanical lean so it does not happen

VirginiaMechanics Lien

4 season contractor / construction refused to do part of the job , But wants to get paid for the full . In other words, I paid only $4,000 to 4 season and did not pay them the remaining balance of $2,800 . The contractor verbally threat me with mechanical lein , I am located in state of Virginia . How to i protect myself so that they do not put a lien on my property?

1 reply

Mar 17, 2021

The best way to do so would be to get a lien waiver in exchange for payment. Otherwise, the contractor could record a lien for any work performed and unpaid. Recording a lien for any amounts owed for work that was not incorporated into the project would render the lien invalid, but that would take court action to prove.

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