Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Can a contractor put a lien on a non-Homestead house in Texas without a contract?

Can a contractor put a lien on a non-Homestead house in Texas without a contract?

TexasConstruction ContractRight to Lien

It’s kind of complicated. But I flip houses and the deal with my contractor is 50-50 profit split on the exit. But he quit yesterday because we don’t think there’s any profits left because he messed up. and I’ve been told he’s going to put a lien on the house for the work he’s done but the deal was we sell the house and split the profits 50-50 so the question is can you put a lien on a non-homestead house in Texas without a contract?

1 reply

Mar 11, 2020
Written contracts are required in order for mechanics lien rights to arise against a homestead property. However, it doesn't seem like Texas specifically requires other residential contracts to be in writing in order for lien rights to arise. If a mechanics lien filing may be imminent, the resources below should be valuable. Additionally, it might be wise to reach out to a local Texas construction attorney if you don't think the matter can be resolved before a lien would be filed. - I Just Received a Notice of Intent to Lien – What Should I Do Now? - A Mechanics Lien Was Filed on My Property – What Do I Do Now? - Texas Mechanics Lien Guide and FAQs
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