Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Are licensed plumbing contractors required to also have a builders or alteration license to do concrete work?

Are licensed plumbing contractors required to also have a builders or alteration license to do concrete work?


Hello, I had my old cast iron sewer pipes trenches out and replaced and the plumbing company didn’t seem qualified to do backfill and cement work. They didn’t compact the fill nor pin the new cement to old.

2 replies

Jun 16, 2021
I do not believe that that a plumbing contractor needs a license to do the backfill or cement work. That does not mean that they should not have done it right. Call your local building inspector and see if they pulled a permit -- if not have it inspected.
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Jun 23, 2021
Hi there, I do not know off the top of my head, and would differ to LARA and / or your local building dept. with regulatory oversight. Asking for a couple of references / photos involving similar work is a good idea to ensure this is not a novel issue for the plumbing company that may be “winging it.” Good luck!
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