Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Are lein deadlines different if the project is a commercial project, condos, apartments, or mixed use building in California?
Are lein deadlines different if the project is a commercial project, condos, apartments, or mixed use building in California?
Are lein deadlines different if the project is a commercial project, condos, apartments, or mixed use building in California?
1 reply
Jan 10, 2019
Good question! In California, the lien deadline will be the same regardless of project type. For those with a direct contract, a mechanics lien must be filed by the earlier of: (1) 90 days after completion of the work of improvement; or (2) 60 days after the owner records a Notice of Completion or Cessation. For all other parties, the deadline to file a lien will be the earlier of: (1) 90 days after the completion of the project; or (2) 30 days after the owner records a Notice of Completion or Cessation. As a practical matter, though, it's worth noting that owners large commercial or mixed use jobs might be more prone to filing a Notice of Commencement or Cessation, which would impact when a lien could be filed (as described above). But, ultimately, the rules surrounding when a lien must be filed will be the same regardless of whether a project is commercial, condos, apartments, or a mixed use project. For more info on California's lien and notice requirements, this resource should be helpful: California Lien & Notice FAQs.