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Should me and my co-workers be getting prevailing wage?

CaliforniaPrevailing Wages

I painted the menifee city hall inside and out and many other city and government buildings but never got paid prevailing wage until i painted the inside of the Menifee police station. But I'm currently painting the outside of and and am not getting prevailing wage. Is this normal or is my boss screwing over me and my co-workers?

1 reply

May 19, 2020
If work is being done on California public property, then chances are it's a prevailing wage job. Generally, prevailing wages must be paid on all California public projects exceeding $1,000. So, if the project exceeds $1,000, it might be worth asking your boss why prevailing wages aren't being paid. Before jumping to conclusions or making wage claims, it might be worthwhile to try and resolve the matter in-house. Alternatively, consulting with a California construction attorney could be helpful. They'll be able to better determine if the job requires prevailing wages and how to proceed with forcing payment. And, if need be, filing a wage claim with the California DIR could be appropriate if wages are being stolen. For more background on CA prevailing wages: Understanding California Prevailing Wage Requirements & Rules.
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