I am writing on behalf of our company Earthtek Grading & Paving, Inc. that has not been paid ($55,018.61) for the services provided from 8/2017-10/2017 to Integra Construction Services, Inc. on the project Yerba Buena High School YB Concession/Restroom Bid. I would like to make a claim and pursue getting paid for this work we completed and your help would be appreciated. I have made a stop payment notice with the awarding body: East Side Union High School District. Integra has offered to settle at a much lower amount ($38K), we countered them with a slightly higher amount (meeting in the middle at $46K) and they have not replied in the past 60 days. We also intend to make a claim with the Contractor's State License Board. From the original work performed, the only thing paid was materials ($11K) on 6/5/2018; we have not been paid for balance of the labor/equipment which is $55,018.61. The work agreement was verbal between Alex Giammona (owner of Integra) and Victor Ramirez (owner of Earthtek) for time/materials. We've reached an amount owed but they keep asking for more documentation. Originally, we replaced another contractor on the project for them, so we rushed in for an urgent situation. They are stating this was a prevailing wage job, although that was never disclosed to us. To appease them and encourage payment, we did hire a third party company to do some certified payroll documentation for us and submit it to the state DIR, but they are still refusing to pay us. We are a small subcontractor that does not specialize in public works projects and they are a large general contractor that primarily does these type of projects. We have done all that we can in good faith of getting paid for the work done. Please help!