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How would I get a Florida Roofing Contractors license for the Company?


As the Chief Compliance Officer of an LLC based in Pennsylvania, living in Florida. How would I get a Florida Roofing Contractors license for the Company? The LLC was founded in 2008. The company's and owner's credit is excellent. Mine is about the minimum.

2 replies

Feb 2, 2022
There are two ways to get the license. If you and/or the CCO of the LLC have any active-hands on roofing experience as a worker or foreman who worked directly for a roofer, then you might, subject to the experience requirements of Florida, be able to apply and secure the license. The other way is to have an active roofing contractor become a W2 employee or owner of the company and serve as the qualifying agent for Florida.
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Feb 2, 2022
Or if you have had a roofing license in another state for 10 years, then you might qualify for the endorsement method.
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