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How can i Lein a project?

Washington DCMechanics LienRight to Lien

GC's payment is late by over 90 days, Project has been completed.

1 reply

Aug 3, 2020
Subcontractors on commercial projects in Washington DC are generally entitled to file a mechanics lien when they've gone unpaid for their work. Note, though, that the deadline to file a Washington DC lien is 90 days after the completion or termination of the project. And, if the GC has been fully paid, that will limit the availability of lien rights, too. If you think a mechanics lien is right for you, this should be a useful article: How to File a Mechanics Lien in Washington, DC | A Step-by-Step Guide to Get You Paid. Note also that the mere threat of a mechanics lien will often lead to payment, too: What is A Notice of Intent to Lien And Should I Send One?
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