Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Can my HVAC sub's material supplier lien against my project?

Can my HVAC sub's material supplier lien against my project?

CaliforniaLien WaiversMechanics LienPreliminary NoticeMaterials

We are mid construction on a larger custom SFR. Our HVAC sub is scheduled for a 60k payment for delivery of materials. Materials are onsite. We typically want a waiver from his material supplier or to pay the supplier directly to eliminate any chance of the supplier filing a lien against the project. Our sub is telling us they have accounts with different suppliers, none of whom receive any information about projects and so cannot file a lien. How can I verify this?

1 reply

Jan 3, 2023
Thank you for reaching out. Check out this Levelset article that addresses your question: You might find your answer there. I hope this helps! 
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