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Can I still register the lien with county clerk if they haven’t received the notice?

ColoradoLien Deadlines

They refuse the certified mail and opening emails in an attempt to not be notified. Im approaching my 4 month deadline, and must enter the lien with the county clerk soon. May I do that despite them not “receiving” (more like refusing to accept) the lien notice?

1 reply

Apr 12, 2023

You are required to properly serve the notice. If the notice is properly served (remember, the statutes are strictly construed so everything must be done perfectly or you may lose lien rights), it makes no difference if they refuse to pick up the notice. 

Email is not proper service of the notice. It is good practice to email the notice, but what matters is proper service as required under the statute so it is irrelevant if they do not open your emails. 

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