Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Can I file a lien on apartment complex if tenant contacted me to do flood work as maintenance didn’t do anything

Can I file a lien on apartment complex if tenant contacted me to do flood work as maintenance didn’t do anything

TexasMechanics Lien

If an apartment flooded and the maintenance guys just put fans on top of carpet without removing water. I received call from tenants mother they needed help. I went and removed water, carpet and padding as the water was grey water. A toilet over flowed from wipes being flushed from someone in the complex. The tenants property was getting damaged from sitting in water. Tenant from across the way cane out and asked what I was doing. I told her and she took me into her apartment. It smelt like throw up and mold combined. I asked if maintenance came and they just put fans. I was upset because she had children sleeping in there. When removing carpet I found mold. It seems like this complex ignores issues and just puts fresh paint and ignores it.

2 replies

Mar 24, 2021
Unless you were retained by the apartment complex owners or the owners' management company, you would only have a right to a mechanic's lien against the tenants' leasehold interest, and not against the real property. The tenants need to try to get management to pay or to reimburse the tenants, but it does not appear that you have a claim directly against the owners or management. Retain a construction attorney to evaluate your legal situation and to provide advice. Good luck.
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Mar 24, 2021


No. You do not have lien rights against the apartment complex. You have what is called a leasehold lien, if anything. A leasehold lien is when you do work for a tenant and the tenant proceeds to not pay you.

E. Aaron Cartwright III

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