Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Can I file a lien as subcontractor if the GC that hired me is not licensed?

Can I file a lien as subcontractor if the GC that hired me is not licensed?

CaliforniaLien Foreclosure

I was hired by a contractor to do some cabinetry in full house remodeling that he was working on. I was paid 50% deposit directly from the owner but sent an Invoice to the contractor. I finished the job and still owed the remaining 50%. The contractor won’t return my calls. Can I file a lien against the property? Thank you

4 replies

Mar 3, 2022
In order for a subcontractor or materials suppliers to file a lien on a property they must have served the homeowner and GC with a Preliminary Notice within 20 days of performing the work and delivering the materials. Then the lien must be filed no later than 90 days of the project completion. Otherwise, the subcontractor's remedy is with the person or entity he contracted with. In short, more information is needed to answer your question. Brion Berkley, Esq. (831) 840-2672
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Mar 4, 2022
If you served a preliminary notice, yes.
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Apr 13, 2022
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