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When does a UCC-3 form need to be filed?


Subcontractor submitted stored material and a UCC-1 form filed. When do they need to file UCC-3? After receiving payment for stored material? Thanks, Jenny

1 reply

Oct 17, 2019
According to the California Secretary of State: <p style="margin: 0px 0px 1em; color: #000000; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 13.6px;">A UCC Financing Statement Amendment (Form UCC3) is used to change or add to information that was previously filed on the Form UCC1. This amendment form includes continuations, assignments, terminations, and amendments. Certain combinations of amendments can be made on one amendment form.</p> Thus, when a change is made to any of the facts contained in the UCC-1, it is necessary to file a UCC-3. Note: Different attorneys, based upon their experience or expertise, and upon your tolerance to risk, might give you more or less favorable assessment, and suggest different strategies. We have made no independent investigation of the facts in this case—and base our preliminary opinions and conclusions solely on a cursory examination of what you have presented to us. If there were to be additional facts, corrections or variations of your facts, the outcome could always be different. You are strongly advised to immediately seek legal assistance and advice in the matters set forth herein to avoid losing your rights.
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