
What to do

KentuckyBonding Off Lien

I am a mobile mechanic I had a Dodge 1500 delivered to my shop when task was complete I got paid by the insurance company but they took the deductible of $500 and also another payment for 300 where the insurance company paid the tow bill for the truck and the guy went spent the money they gave the money to the customer to pay it instead of paying the bill he went spent the money and they took that money out of my money also I had to put four new tires and a new battery on the truck when it was all over and done with the bill was $950 that is been 8 months ago they refused to pay the bill and have came with the police trying to get the truck and the police will not let him have it they told him to pay me and they will not pay me we have a court date on the 2nd of November what do I need to do

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