Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>What’s next when the lien is on and the person is trying to sell the property?!

What’s next when the lien is on and the person is trying to sell the property?!


I haven’t gotten paid and it’s been difficult for me to get other jobs where I could only do the labor part and costumer hasn’t paid me yet and now is trying sell the house when I told him I was putting a line yo the property

2 replies

Mar 29, 2022

I just want to know if I'm going to get paid or not

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Apr 22, 2022

If you perfected the lien, you would need to initiate a complaint for foreclosure on mechanic's lien. If it is approaching a year since you perfected the lien, you'll need to renew it. Please give my office a call for a free consult to arrange reviewing a copy of the lien and getting some additional facts regarding parties. I look forward to speaking wtih you. 260-782-1712. Best, Nick

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