Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>What is the best course of action to prevent a mechanics lien on my property?

What is the best course of action to prevent a mechanics lien on my property?

NevadaMechanics Lien

Hi. I hired a guy to do my pool deck and pool tiles. We have no signed contract. The only thing we have are the prices of labor to install the tiles and pool deck on a piece of oaper. He works sporadically and more than a month has passed, nothing has been completed. I told him this is not working out and need to part ways. Called him several times and sent out multiple text messages asking when is he going to get his stuff and i also want to compensate him for his labor although the pool tiles and deck weren’t complete. I haven’t received a response from him although i still try to call and text him. What is the best course of action to prevent a mechanics lien on my property?

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