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Should I move forward with a mechanic's lien lawsuit?

ColoradoMechanics Lien

Good afternoon - I have already filed a Mechanic's Lien for the client refusing to pay the bill in full. When should I initiate the lawsuit? Should I give them notice? Is this worth doing for just under $1,000 that they won't pay? Thank you for your help, Elizabeth

2 replies

Feb 15, 2021

Hello, Elizabeth,

If this is $1000 you are best proceeding for a money judgment in small claims. The cost for the certificate and possible service on multiple defendants in district court will quickly eclipse the cost of just going through small claims.

I wish you all the best and I hope it works out well.

Robert J. Murillo

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Feb 16, 2021
Elizabeth, Why not let a certified commercial collection agency attempt to collect the debt? If they are successful you will receive most of the money owed after their contingency fee and your problem account is over and done. If they can't collect, you won't owe them anything for the efforts and you can still take it to small claims court. Best regards, Steve Rauch
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