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Mechanics lien, what now?

North CarolinaMechanics Lien

I have received a filing from the court for placing a mechanics lien on m y home. I had a new driveway installed for $7,100 and the first 40 feed was substandard. He also didn't follow our agreement for how it was supposed to be laid out. He also refused to do a final walk through after the work was completed. I have tried multiple time to get him to negotiate so sort of settlement. I have sent him $4,100 in registered letter twice and they were returned. I have told his attorney to tell his client to go to the post office and pick it up, but he refuses. Apparently he wants the full amount. I'm unsure as to what I need to do at this point. Do I need to file a response? If so Do I just claim substandard work and failure to follpow the contract?

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