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Lien has been filed; order #5825027


Lien has been filed; order #5825027. No settlement made to-date. Once lien expires after 12mo & if client sells home in future, will it still show on record that she had a lien previously placed on the property?

1 reply

Dec 22, 2021

Good afternoon Michael,

Congratulations on getting your lien filed, have you pursued any follow up action to get it collected? I would love to help you further on that, if you need it.

As for the lien, in Minnesota, it typically expires 12months from the date of last furnishing of labor and/or materials on the project. If they try to sell the property within that 12 months then the lien will normally show on the property records when it is searched up by any potential buyers. Once the lien is expired, they won't normally see it as it will be removed as active on the records.

Here is more information on the Minnesota construction laws .

For more situational help, please take a look here  

Please let me know if I can help any further. Thank you.

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