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Lien after purchase, two owner prior buying the property


Hello. I recently got a call from the title company indicating that there's a lien to an LLC that own the property prior the LLC that I bought it from. I did my due diligence and bought the title insurance. However, the lien was done in 2020 but I purchase the home in December 2018. I do have a contract in place to sell the property, I will be able to keep moving forward and sell the property? Don't know what type of lien is as of now. Thanks, -RN

1 reply

Mar 1, 2022
I strongly suggest you contact an attorney knowledgeable about liens and encumbrances on real property -- and a process called "clearing title". A lien granted in 2020 by the previous owner when you purchased the property in 2018 should be invalid but the "devil is in the details" and someone knowledgeable needs to review the documents prior to giving you a firm opinion on what to do. BTW I have cleared numerous titles and sorted out ownership issues over the 30 years I have practiced law.
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