Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Is a general contractor entitled to O & P in an insurance claim? If so, under what circumstances?

Is a general contractor entitled to O & P in an insurance claim? If so, under what circumstances?


We are a general contractor that works with Homeowner's that have filed an insurance claim for property damage. Whether we are doing one trade or multiple trades we act as a GC. By that I mean that we assess the insured's property for damages that would necessitate an insurance claim. The Homeowner files the claim, and if approved we do the repairs. We also research building codes, pull permits and apply for the necessary municipal licensing, sub-contract the labor, supervise the job and submit the close-out paperwork to the insurance company. We also submit supplements to the insurance company if we find that they missed work that needs to be done, or we find additional damage after the job is started. I have read that there is a "three trade rule" that determines O & P. I have also read that that rule was nullified, and that if a GC meets the definition of that term, then we are entitled to O & P . In my research I can't find a definitive answer for Alabama.

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