Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>I sent out pre-lien notices at the time we were billed for materials, but we started work much later.

I sent out pre-lien notices at the time we were billed for materials, but we started work much later.

CaliforniaPreliminary Notice

I work for a subcontractor for a job, in which we used a supplier who requires a 25% deposit on materials. We billed the GC for the deposits, and I sent out preliminary notices at that time. However, we have only just started working at the site, over two months after sending the preliminary notices. Do I need to re-send the pre-lims, or will the earlier ones protect us sufficiently?

2 replies

Mar 4, 2020
The earlier preliminary notices are sufficient.
1 person found this helpful
Mar 4, 2020
Thank you!
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