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How to get a construction attorney


I am a homeowner in Clearwater, FL. I hired a pool company to do a paver job to remodel my pool area. This smallish ($22K) project was close to completion when I noticed that the workmanship was so poor that I halted the project and will not permit it to resume until we agree how to proceed. Their salesman, and an independent inspector that I hired, agree that the solution is a complete redo, while the owner disagrees. I do not see that how this stalemate can be overcome, so before the situation turns into an ugly nightmare, I want to find a construction attorney to help navigate the minefield ahead. One complicating factor is that we have not stayed current with the schedule for payments. and that will have to be dealt with at the same time as the incompetent workmanship. To date, there have been no threats by either party, nor any talk about payment, but I feel the potential for going downhill in unpredictable ways. That was the background. HERE IS MY QUESTION: So I can move ahead without delay, is there a practical way to speedily sift through the candidates, kind of a version of "Speed Dating" as I prefer to not waste the attorneys' time nor mine?

1 reply

Dec 17, 2022

The Florida Bar and other resources have tips on hiring an attorney. As a starting point, review the attorney's website and professional profile. For example: 

Most situations get resolved without the attorney going on-site or filing a lawsuit. As a member of the Levelset community, you are welcome to contact me for a free initial introductory call.  

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