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how do you submit Application for retainage only

how do you submit the application for just the retainage that was taken on prior application requests

6 replies

Mar 30, 2021

Afternoon Connie,

Are you using the AIA Pay Application form? If so, this article and information will help

AIA Pay Applications 

and this is specifically for retainage AIA Retainage 

Please let me know if I can help any other way. Thank you for reaching out to Levelset.

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Mar 31, 2021
Lori: I think the issue is two-fold. First we have a fixed rate retainage and the column on the continuation sheet says for variable retainage however the client wants to see the retainage in detail on each application. Second the retainage column on the continuation sheet is a cumulative number with each application. I figured out my issue and had to made a couple of modifications to the G702 to get the information to all calculate properly. Now i just need to figure out (discuss with the client) how to bill for the retainage taken previously. Any recommendations since the gross amount is already been requested in the "current request column"?
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Mar 31, 2021

Afternoon Connie,

I think this would be a great question for one of our community members with over 10years experience to answer. I am going to refer this question to Jennifer Martin. She should reply shortly, thank you.

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Apr 1, 2021
Connie - If your client is working with you on this I would chat with them and submit in the fashion satisfies their needs, it could be as simple as adding a retention adjustment line in your schedule of values on the continuation sheet as a negative value in column "C" and adding the value back in the retainage column "I". Best of luck & cheers to getting paid, Jen
2 people found this helpful
Apr 1, 2021

Thank you Jen! Great suggestions.

Connie, please don't hesitate to reach back out if you need anything additional.

2 people found this helpful
Apr 1, 2021
thank you all your answers were extremely helpful
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