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How do I find a bond


We are a subcontractor in California on a public works job. The GC is claiming that there is no bond. How can we verify this? Can we still file a Stop Notice if there is no bond?

2 replies

Feb 1, 2022
A payment bond is required for all public works projects in excess of $25,000. I suggest you contact the owner's representative on the project to request bonding information. If the public entity has not required a bond, then the public entity may be subject to being sued for its failure to get a bond. If there is no bond, you can still serve a stop payment notice.
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Feb 9, 2022

It’s never a good idea to try to get bond information from the GC since it’s their bond and they really don’t want you making a claim against it. The best way is to get a copy is from the public agency. You can generally get this information by telephone. Start with the project manager for the public agency, if you know who that is. You may have to make a few calls but you should eventually get the information needed, and get a copy of the bond. A few public jobs don’t have a bond but most do. Yes, you can and should still file a Stop Payment Notice if there is no bond. I’m happy to answer any questions you have about this.

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