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How do I file a mechanics lien

GeorgiaLien Foreclosure

10 years ago I moved into a house and also got a business license to do one on one hair services. The house next door to me was dilapidated infested overgrown foliage used as a dump site and I came home one day after years of petitions and working with the city to a rat in my home causing me loss of income and reputation. At that point I threaten lawsuit against the bank and was given the quitclaim deed of the actual owner. This is what the city needed because he had been denying ownership and they immediately bulldoze the property. After which I put flowers and tomatoes on the lot to deter the vagrants and trash . Once I realize that it was changing the neighborhood in a positive way as well as employing people I invested money time and labor in keeping this stop. Now it is 5 years later and I have sent invoices to the owner a task before they come back as undeliverable. I would like to know how to file a mechanic's lien against this land as it would probably eventually go up for sale and I would never be reimbursed. By the way I have put over $25,000 in cost of goods and labor into this property

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