
filed lien status


I filed a lien on 2/10, I see on my account that the lien's copies where delivered last week, but as of today non of the involved parties had reach out to me, can I contact them to keep asking for our payment?

2 replies

Feb 24, 2021

Sure. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. If that does not help, then consider retaining a construction attorney to review your claim and lien, and to provide advice. Good luck.

1 person found this helpful
Jun 21, 2021
Hi, I filed a mechanical lien back in February, about 3 weeks ago a rep from the owner's project contact me and said that they already paid in full the project to the GC, the GC said the owner owes them money, the lienis for +11k the owner offer us to pay $5k in exchange for the removal of the lien, and they said to try to collect the rest from the GC, but we told them no. How can we proceed to collect our money? How long should be wait untill we receive our money? We know that the GC closed the company and he opened a new one, another subcontractor that worked on the same project found out the new company and contacted the GC, but the GC told him that he wants to be sued to go bankrupt and not have to pay us. If the Owner is saying the tru and they already paid the GC it will be unfair for them to double pay for the project, but it is also unfair for us being a very small company not beeing paid, $11k might not be too much, but for us it is a lot, we still owe material money from this project and we struggle a lot because of this since October. Please let me know what can we do
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