Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Can I file anything on a warehouse in Colorado that was used for manifacturing?

Can I file anything on a warehouse in Colorado that was used for manifacturing?


We were contracted by a client for work in Colorado for construction staffing. The structure is a warehouse and it was used for manufacturing. Is there anything we can place a lien on in order to get paid for the $8K + in work we provided?

5 replies

Jun 6, 2023

Anyone who has supplied equipment, material, labor, machinery, or tools to be used in the construction, alteration, or repair of any structure, or who makes an improvement upon the land itself, is entitled to lien the property. You do not explain what work you provided. If your contract was for services only and does not entitle you to a lien under the statute, then you cannot file a lien. Try it and expect a quick demand from their attorney to remove it or face damages and attorney fees. 

Ultimately, an attorney would need to review this contract and get more facts. Reach out if you want to discuss. 


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Jun 6, 2023

What if we don't know where the materials went that were manufactured? We don't know the actual "jobsites" they went to, if that makes sense. 

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Jun 6, 2023

As I noted, this will require the assistance of an attorney to review the contracts and the facts to determine what you can do. You have my email if you want to schedule a time to discuss. 

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Jun 6, 2023

Okay. Thank you for your help!

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Jun 14, 2023
If you did actual work or supplied materials for the construction of something and the deadlines have not run you can file a lien. From what you provided it was difficult to tell if this was done.
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