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Can I file a mechanics lien

IndianaMechanics Lien

Is there a specific period of time in which you can file a mechanics lien? For example if you have tried to collect the invoice for 90 to 120 days and the invoice has still went unpaid can I still file a lien?

2 replies

Dec 21, 2020

Yes there are limitations on when a mechanic's liens can be recorded in Indiana. The time limitations are in part based on whether the work was done for a consumer or commercial client and the last date labor or materials were provided. Please give me a call to discuss further.

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Dec 22, 2020

Give my office a call ( 260-782-1712) for a free consult. If residential 60 days if commercial 90 days to file a proper lien. If it's a breach of contract you have at a minimum 6 years to sue. If it pertains to real estate under the statute, you may have up to 10 years to sue. 

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