Construction professionals at work

Short Answer: YES!

Long Answer: This question was asked to me a few days ago, and I poured through our resources to see if there was already an answer in the database.  On the one hand, I was surprised that we never wrote anything on this before. On the other hand, however, I completely understand why we didn’t have this information in our database: it’s quasi-obvious.

We deal with mechanic lien filings everyday, and so a lot of things seem obvious to us that may not be obvious to those in the construction industry.  This is apparently one of those things. Sometimes, people get confused about where they fall in a construction project, what their lien rights are, and more.  And then they find themselves questioning whether they can file a mechanics lien against a property if they didn’t contract directly with the property owner.

The answer, however, is that they absolutely (in almost every case) can file a mechanics lien in this situation.

In fact, it’s one of the reasons why mechanic lien filings are so effective.  See, for example, our the 17 ways a mechanics lien works to get you paid.

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