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Webinar: Sync QuickBooks + Levelset to Connect Invoices to Notices, Pay Apps, and Waivers





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Join Michael Kungl from Levelset and Woody Admas from QuickBooks to learn how you can connect jobs and invoices from your QuickBooks Online account to Levelset so you can automatically track deadlines, easily send documents, and get paid faster.

Full Webinar Transcript

Webinar Host Michael Kungl:

Thank you, everyone, for joining today. My name is Michael Kungl. I’ll be sending out contact information should you need to get in touch after the webinar with more information around lien rights, or perhaps looking into getting this started yourself. My agenda today is to briefly introduce you to who Levelset is, the challenges that we’re seeing with the construction payment process, and then how you can use the information that’s already in QuickBooks to immediately address that by funneling that information through Levelset.

Now, there is one thing that I do want to specify: we do not do payments, we don’t process payments yet. We work on all of the different documents, though, that complicate the process. And really, just to kick things off, we’re based down here in New Orleans, Louisiana. We were started by a construction attorney who was tasked with helping a concrete construction company get paid on a project shortly after Hurricane Katrina.

So, they ended up filing a lien; they ended up taking that lien to court; they lost the case specifically because they missed a required notice to send earlier on the project. I like to talk about that story because it’s a great example of what one of our partners, Clem Harvey, has told us before: “In construction, it’s no longer that the hardest work I have to do is the actual construction work. It’s getting paid that stresses me out. It’s getting paid that consumes the time of my office staff.”

And when you look at that reason, the reason behind it is that because the construction industry itself is changing. You’re going from a time when relationships drove businesses forward and guaranteed payment, and gentleman’s agreements were the way to go, to more statutory regulations, different in every state, companies are able to travel further and farther, bringing in foreign players into projects. So ultimately, it becomes very complicated mess, and every project now has multiple stakeholders who have different requirements for how they make payment and how they get paid themselves.

At the top of the chain, where all the money tends to have the most power. At the bottom is when we start to see things breaking down, and it’s one of the reasons why construction is the slowest-paying industry in the world.

Now, the ultimate thing to take away from this conversation is that everyone in construction hates liens. That’s a 100% guaranteed fact. If you are a materials supplier or a subcontractor and you need to file a lien, that means that you have gone a significant amount of time without getting paid, which will impact your cashflow, which will hurt your ability to pay your bills and your employees. Whereas if you are a general contractor or a property owner, a lien can halt the project. It can ruin your relationship with your customer, and it can expose you to the risk of double payments.

For example, if a subcontractor didn’t pay its supplier, you could potentially be on the hook for that outstanding payment. So, as you can see, it creates this tug of war on the payment cycle that ultimately just causes delays and headaches for everyone involved. Now, this isn’t only unique on big projects with multiple stakeholders. Even if you’re a restoration company or typically dealing as a self-performing general contractor with one or two stakeholders on a project, there is still challenges when it comes to getting paid.

Small projects tend to bring on new customers, and any time you deal with a newer customer, there’s risk involved. And the risk is that the expectations of how the project will progress and the guidelines for making and arranging payment cannot always be as clear-cut as one wants, and so, these tend to pop up even more.

With the small projects in particular, the lack of visibility, of sharing project information with the other stakeholders on the job, ultimately gives that property owner even more power because they can think that they can hide and bury any potential issue and bully you throughout the project. Really, with both of these small and large projects, there are three main challenges that construction companies are faced with dealing with.

The first is a lack of project visibility. As a property owner, you may know the contractor that you’re bringing on to the project. You do not know, or most likely will not know, who they are buying supplies from, who they are renting equipment from, and you’re responsible for that. As a general contractor, the same things apply. You’re responsible for how the project unfolds, and the behavior of your subcontractors and suppliers, and at the same time, you need to get paid yourself.

Then the visibility becomes very critical for you to know who’s on the project with you. Now, in order to make sure that you all are addressing that risk, whether it’s from the lien risk of a sub or a supplier filing a lien, or a supplier or subcontractor trying to get paid and not receiving it, is that you have to use the lien rights process to protect your interests. This is where things get very complicated and very messy very fast.

Every state is going to require different documents to be sent by the different construction companies that are involved on the project, which means that your team now is being forced to juggle deadlines and track in Excel sheets exactly what they need to be doing, when. And not only is it just your preliminary notices and liens that are so dependent on deadlines and lien laws, but the one piece of paper that is best in the construction industry, that lien waiver; the one that really does a good job of bringing people together and indicates that payment has been made or will be made soon can certainly pile up. And the amount of waivers that teams need to be able to process, request and collect can become mind-numbing throughout the course of a project.

When you add in these lack of visibility and these different requirements in deadlines and forms that need to be sent when, it really just produces slow payment, sometimes even no payment, which means that you’re filing liens and going through that legal process of trying to get paid, and ultimately, all that does is just ruin the relationship that you have with your customer.

It sounds like a pretty dire world, I will be honest. What I’ll tell you, though, is fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that way; given the fact that you all are using QuickBooks, evaluating QuickBooks Online, what makes it so easy is that our two companies have teamed together to make it easier for you to funnel this information so that you’re following the three-step process that we’ve found helps companies cut their receivables in half if not by more.

And so, it’s about setting the right expectations, it’s about making sure that your paperwork process is nailed down so that you’re not missing deadlines and your team isn’t drowning in paperwork, and then it’s about using technology that’s available to you now to go back to the way of building good relationships with your customer so that you can continue to grow the business and make sure that those payment stresses are no longer the case.

At this point, what I’m going to do is switch back and forth from the slideshow into a demo. Really just to get started, when we think about setting the right expectations, we want to think about, how do we proactively approach every project so that your customers, and your customer’s customers, are clear that you are looking to do a good job on the project and you’re looking to get paid? It’s about giving them that visibility, and we think of preliminary notices as the primary way to do it.

Again, I will share with you, after going through the demo, the technical details of how QuickBooks provides us the information. The goal of this, though, is to remove the duplicate data entry that your team would have to do to be able to get this process up and running.

What Levelset does when it receives a project from QuickBooks is it analyzes the job details to tell you exactly what you need to do and when. There is no guesswork involved. You get an instantaneous answer about your rights on the project and when they need to be sent and when.

You’ll see here, the first thing that our system does is that it looks at that job site address to determine the specific forms in lien law that you should be following on this project. Now, a few other details are going to be critical towards determining your rights and your requirements; that will be your role on the project, your customer’s role on the project, and then the type of project.

Now, fortunately, when you provide us this information, our system has all 50 states’ lien laws built into it, so it will know the exact scenario for that project. What you can see here, then, is we have this project page set up, and the first thing that you’ll be called to attention to is this deadline section. Now, every state has what we term trigger dates that will influence when your notices need to be sent.

For the most part, preliminary notices will be determined based on your first day performing construction work on the project, and then your mechanics lien deadline will be determined by your last date on the project and the deadline. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “That’s a lot of dates. Our team is going to have to constantly monitor this to be able to make sure that we don’t accidentally let something slip through the cracks.” And the best part is that QuickBooks, once you approve a project to be entered into Levelset, QuickBooks will continuously update that.

What you’ll see here is we have your accounts receivable, and this is how we can monitor your first and last dates on the project. Now, this is a relatively new job; there’s only one invoice, so what we will do is pull in this project information and this invoice information, and based on the dates that we accumulate on this specific job, we’ll be able to use your earliest invoice as your first date on the job, and we’ll use your latest invoice as your last date on the job.

As you continue invoicing, we can keep pushing back that deadline so that, that way, your team doesn’t have to worry about maintaining and making sure that everything is up-to-date and accurate.

Now, one of the things that we will also do, just to go back to this dashboard, you’ll see here, we’re telling you exactly which projects have upcoming deadlines. One of the goals that Woody set, obviously, was we want to get you in the cloud as much as possible, you’re on the go, you’re busy, so you don’t necessarily need to log into Levelset to get alerts about upcoming projects. We do send you a weekly email telling you any job where you have some type of a required action, as well. That way, if someone’s out of the office or if you’re on vacation, you can have that assurance that everything is being tracked even when you’re not necessarily paying attention.

What I’m going to go ahead and do and get started, then, right? We talk about setting that right expectation with your customer, and it’s that preliminary notice. The preliminary notice informs everyone of your right to get paid, and it gives them more information about the risk that they’re filing. Now, it’s not a threatening document at all, in any way.

What you’re going to see here, this is the exact form that we use. I’ll show you a little bit more about the details of the notice. Every state has different language, different formatting and whatnot, so our system is going to make sure that you’re using the right one for that specific project. But your customer will be greeted with some information about why they’re receiving the notice. You can customize this, too, to include your own logo and a little bio of your company, as well, just to make it more personal and friendly to the customer.

You’ll see a little description of the notice that you’re having sent out. And then, we might need just a few other details before you go ahead and process this. In California, for example, they ask for an estimated total contract amount. Just going to add $100, to keep it simple. And then, the final steps will be the additional contact information.

Now, this is where we go back to that visibility, and we think about the fact that project information is not always easy to come by. Particularly if you’re a material supplier, you may not be stepping foot on the job itself, and the property owner may have no idea that you’re even supplying to that job site. When we go back to that payment process, that payment chain that we said earlier, it’s the property owner who’s the one who is at most risk when a lien gets filed. That’s their property, their project, they’re responsible at the end of the day for the work that’s being provided because they’re the ones receiving the benefits.

The reason that preliminary notices are required in most states is because states were tired of owners saying, “We keep getting liened by people we have no idea are on our project.” So, it’s about getting the right contacts, the copy of that preliminary notice that’s so important to do because it maintains your legal right to file a lien in a worst-case situation. This can be information like the property owner, the legal property description, which would be something similar to a parcel number that the county uses to identify land, as well as more difficult information to find like the construction lender or bonding company. Or potentially the general contractor, if you’re two or three steps removed from that person, as well.

Rather than making your team add this onto your plate, what our system will do is give you the opportunity to tell us the information you don’t have. And at this point, Levelset has your back. What we will do when you approve this document to go sent out, the first thing that we will investigate… The scout research team that we have here is something that you can think of almost like private investigators. When you tell us that you have this project at 1011 Hollywood Boulevard, we’re going to go look up all of that missing project information that’s necessary to make sure that your lien rights are completely protected, and you’re doing everything in your power to make sure that the right contacts are receiving the right notices.

Immediately, you’ll see here, we have this sent to research, so a member of my team will go ahead and use a variety of different tools to fill in this information to complete your document for you. Now, at that point, when we do find the project information and add it in, we’re going to go ahead and do the mailing for you, too. Then you can sit back and relax and see, as your contractors, as your customers and property owners receive the documents, you can just get that final confirmation that they’ve received the document, and then you’ll have access to everything that was sent, as well.

That’s about setting up the right expectations on the projects, getting the preliminary notice. Now, the real challenge, though, is that a preliminary notice will only be sent once on a job, with the exception of Texas, which I’m happy to cover later on if there’s anyone in Texas. The work, then, that goes into actually getting paid is where the paperwork really starts to pile up. And when we think of that tug of war that happens before, when it comes to property owners and GC’s managing their lien risk and their payment risk, and subcontractors and suppliers trying to get paid, protecting lien rights, the way to remove that tug of war is just simply sending in a lien waiver. And lien waivers are best provided with every single payment.

As a subcontractor, it might be easy for you to sign away a lien waiver and provide it to your customer. Where it becomes very stressful is when you might be required to provide it for your own suppliers and vendors. As a general contractor, you’ll need to be accountable for lien waivers from everyone that’s on that project to make sure that you’re protecting not just your… but the, sorry, some background noise there.

Protecting not just your company, but the customer, as well. And you have that responsibility to them to make sure that no liens get filed. Now, what’s really easy about this, then, is that QuickBooks Online is already sending all the information to Levelset that you need to accurately create and collect the lien waivers in a very timely and easy, efficient fashion.

Once we have this project and this lien waiver, preliminary notice sent out, then, you’ll see here, we have our accounts receivable, which I’ve briefly glanced over earlier, then our accounts payable tabs. Any information that you have stored in QuickBooks, like these invoice details, will sync over, so we’ll be able to track the amounts outstanding, the amounts yet to pay, as well as when it is fully completed. You can see the status of each invoice here. And when your team is ready-

Co-host Woody Adams at Quickbooks:

Quick question, just regarding AR, from Christy. I had gone over project tracking, but they might not track projects, they might just track customers in the QBO list, so is it possible to link Levelset just for this part of it, the AR and tracking this, without actually having to use the projects feature in QBO? And I’m assuming, yes. Right? Because you’re pulling in customers, not just projects, right?

Webinar Host Michael Kungl:
Yeah, absolutely, Christy. That’s a great question. When you are, and I can cover this when we get into the more technical details of the integration, but when you set this up, you’ll have the ability to specify whether your jobs are set up by customer or even by sub-customer.
So, completely normal for how you’re using it, and being able to provide information the Levelset.

Co-host Woody Adams at Quickbooks:
That’s great. And just to reiterate, you said it does integrate with Desktop. I mean, obviously, it’s easier with QBO; it’s just based on login, right? So, it’s a silent sync. But you said it is possible to integrate with Desktop, as well. Correct?

Webinar Host Michael Kungl:
The way that we think of… everybody tends to have a different idea of integration. It’s not going to be as seamless as this QuickBooks Online integration. There’s a couple different ways that we can get project information into Levelset. It doesn’t require a direct connection with QuickBooks Online.

Number one, you can always have the easy option, tried and true, of adding projects in manually. If you’re only doing a few documents that you need to send a month, really not dealing with too many invoices, this might be the best fit for you. With QuickBooks Desktop, we’ll go into this in a moment; we do have an integration of sorts. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend looking into it right now. We have a couple of fixes due to some bugs that are being released in a few weeks, just to be brutally honest with you all.

What we do instead is you can create a spreadsheet report, pulling project information from your QuickBooks Desktop account, and then we have the ability for you just to bulk upload everything all at once. So, if you do this weekly, if you wanted to do it daily even, however often you’d like to keep your project information updated, it’s really simple. There’s a standard file that we have, and once we upload that, then you can have all your project information displayed, as well.

We do plan to have a QuickBooks Desktop integration within the next few weeks, though, so I would recommend reaching out to a payment consultant on my team here just to talk a little bit more about the timeline and getting that up and running, and some options are available for you for now.

I’m just going to go back here to the project. I’m going to use this test California job again. And as mentioned, we’re receiving from QuickBooks Online the invoice details that you’ll need to be able to provide for the lien waiver. When you go ahead and you decide that you’re ready to submit a lien waiver for your project, our system’s going to pull up the state’s statutory form.

Now, there’s a couple different types. You’ll see a bit about what is being sent, and which document you’re using. Any information that we have in QuickBooks and that gets transferred into Levelset already is going to pull into the waiver here. And you can see the custom… the dates, details, and any other information. Now, I do want to speak to one thing. Lien waivers are such a nightmare because there’s going to be a lot of customization depending on who your customer is, and really just depending on the project. Now, this demo account does not have any custom-built lien waivers, but you do have the opportunity to customize any of the documents that you see in Levelset.

If you wanted to put a company logo, for example, on this lien waiver, you have every ability to do so. You can change the language that we provide here, as well. Because at the end of the day, your customers may need different documents that their customers are asking for from them, and so, we can get that uploaded and easily exchanged, as well. But in the event that it’s a regular project and you can use just the state-specific form, and you’ll have that already preloaded and uploaded for you to pop in the information.

You can see here, we are filling out all of the details of the lien waiver based on the project information that was already imported and then based on the invoices that we are going to select. If there are more than one invoices, for example, we’re going to go ahead and select from the drop-down, and our system will start to add and calculate all that up. Now, you can always override it, as well, if the information’s a little bit different than what you need to appear on the waiver. Then we are going to get to the final step, which is your attachments.

Now, going back to what I said earlier, as a subcontractor, you may be asked from your customer to not just provide a lien waiver from your company, but from your vendors, as well. This is where it gets really cool. This is where you can choose which forms you want to have attached and requested from the other contacts on your project.

I’d previously added a vendor, QuickBooks. You can choose the template. Again, if there’s a custom-specific one. And you can choose the through date. This information will automatically appear on the form, so then you can just choose the vendor that you need to collect a lien waiver from.

Once we go ahead and pick the vendor to send the waiver to, you’ll be taken to our electronic signature page where you can simply click to sign and create. If you do need to either provide a notarized copy or somebody wants to bring it into the office, you’re able to print it off, as well. And then, once you hit that Create button, this is where you can go ahead and sign it digitally, and a copy gets sent to your customer automatically.

Any documents that you exchange electronically with your customers or with your vendors, they are not required to have a Levelset account. That’s very important for us to make sure that everyone knows. We keep this free and open to the public so that if they are receiving documents from you, it’s easy for them, there should be no obstacles for them to get the documents that you need to provide to get paid.

Now, what we will do from here, once that request goes out, I want to go through the final couple pages you see here. First, we have that contact page, anyone that we have listed as vendors and contacts, like general contractor property owner; this can all come over from QuickBooks Online itself. Then we’ll store your documents here. You’ll notice that we have that preliminary notice that I ordered earlier. You can get information on the create date and the date we got the final mail tracking information back. You’ll have access to copies of the document itself once it’s uploaded. We store everything in the cloud for you indefinitely. You will always have the information around what we did and when we did, so that if there is a project that goes horribly south and you need to be able to show that you sent a notice to the construction lender on this specific date, you’ll have that information in one central location so you won’t have to go through the fire drill of trying to hunt down missing documents.

You’ll also see the documents that you’ve received from anyone like a sub-tier sending in a preliminary notice of their own, or a lien waiver that you’ve requested and collected back. Notice, I don’t have any right now, but you definitely just saw me request a lien waiver, so that’s where this request section comes in. I’m going to go ahead and refresh the page, actually, here.

You’ll be able to see any incomplete or missing lien waiver on this [inaudible 00:27:15] so that it’s easy for you to know who to follow up with and re-send lien waiver requests when necessary. You’ll be able to get the tracking of what’s been requested and from who, and then you’re going to see here this Comments and Collaboration section.

This comes just really to our final point here. It’s, how do we take the stress out of getting paid? And it’s about resolving issues quickly. If you are a general contractor, for example, and you request a lien waiver from a subcontractor and all of their material suppliers, and you see a lien waiver like this that hasn’t been returned, that could potentially be a sign that supplier has not been paid yet, right? And there’s your lien risk. It allows you to take action and identify who you need to be paying attention to and following up with.

And any time you send a document through Levelset, you’re able to build channels of communication behind that document to send messages to everyone that’s involved in the project. It’s about looping together everyone in that specific payment chain to make sure that you have the right stakeholders, the right decision-makers, to find a way to solve the issue.

As a material supplier, as well, where this is really important, general contractors and property owners are stressed about surprise liens, right? At the end of the day, no one wins when a lien gets filed. For these companies, they need an opportunity to make sure that they are receiving a notice to get paid. So, the final step here is just making sure that, when you do have a payment situation, sending out that notice of intent to lien through Levelset allows you to build those electronic communication channels again so that you can make sure that if you do have a payment situation, no one’s getting surprised by a lien being filed.

Now, I’m realizing we do a little bit longer than intended, so really, this was just a quick overview, then, of how Levelset will track your deadlines, help you set the right expectations, keep your paperwork straight, and build those good relationships. I do want to quickly cover the integration and how it works with QuickBooks Online.

What you’ll see here, there’s a couple of different ways that you’re able to handle this. When we choose to connect your QuickBooks account, there is, as I mentioned earlier, a login. In Levelset, you enter your credentials and it will ask you how you set up jobs, whether it’s customers or sub-customers, or simply just as projects. Once you confirm the details here, there’s two options.

First, we have the ability to manually pick and choose the projects that you want to have entered and tracked in Levelset. Companies who start out with us tend to prefer this route; it gives them more control and just gets a better understanding of our workflow. As they start to see results, though, they begin to get tired of going through and just approving documents to get sent, so they turn on this automatic import. But when you’re manually choosing the jobs to send to Levelset, we’re going to go ahead and just hit this Link button, and it’ll set up a project for you.

Now, there might be specific questions that it asks in terms of your role on the project or anything like that. Once you go ahead and confirm the details, can link that QuickBooks project to Levelset, we will automatically keep track of those invoices added in QuickBooks. You won’t have to add any invoice details from there. Our system will update old invoices for either partial payments or complete payments. It will add new ones as that project progresses. It’ll update your first and last dates on the job. And when you’ve been paid in full on that project, and every invoice has been marked as paid, we’re going to go ahead and automatically archive the project, mark it as paid so that you don’t have a deadline reminder to send a notice for a job that’s already been paid.

At this point, I want to open it up to questions.

Co-host Woody Adams at Quickbooks:
No, that was great, Michael. That actually answered one of the questions that someone had regarding, “Can I choose which projects our sub-customers come over?” And you just answered that, yeah. And that’s great. If there’s an automatic way to connect and continue to add, or you can manually do it.

Another question, I know Olivia has some notes and questions for you, too, but there’s one I saw earlier, too. When you were going through waivers, does Levelset support joint check waivers?

Webinar Host Michael Kungl:
Yeah, absolutely. You can customize the document to include different fields that need to be filled out. Again, just going back to the fact that if you do have to get a lien waiver from a subcontractor, and then require they provide a lien waiver from your supplier, too, you can certainly customize the documents. We currently only support one significant per waiver request, so there are different workarounds and I would recommend you reach out to a payment expert on my team to talk that out a little bit more.
But, yeah, absolutely able to handle that.

Co-host Woody Adams at Quickbooks:
And then, Amy asked, can you kind of go over, high-level, the steps on which notice goes out first? Preliminary notices, mechanics, et cetera.

Webinar Host Michael Kungl:
Sure. The easiest way to really remember this is actually how we teach people on our team to talk about it to the construction companies we work with. We think of it as the PIM method; P as in preliminary, I as in intent, and M as in mechanics lien. The preliminary notice gets sent first. Ideally, you want to send that on every single project. The point of that one is really just to set those expectations. It does happen before there’s any type of payment issue, right? Which might seem counterintuitive, but it’s all about making sure that you’re setting strong expectations and the good expectations and providing that project visibility.

When there is a slow pay situation, and when you’re not happy with how long it’s taking you and you need to collect, the intent to lien, the notice of intent to lien, it’s not as required in most states, but it’s a way to save that customer relationship by saying, “We haven’t been paid. We are on the point of being ready to file that final step, that mechanics lien, but we want to give you another opportunity to come to the plate, solve the situation with us.”

If that doesn’t happen, then that mechanics lien will go forward. What we’ve found is that with companies who send that preliminary notice and the intent, though, 98% of projects that go through our system and have those two documents sent do not end up in a lien. So, two percent where sometimes, just inevitable, it has to happen.

Co-host Woody Adams at Quickbooks:
No, it’s good to know. Now, I see you have your email address there, so Michael@Levelset.com. You can go to Levelset.com. As I mentioned earlier, Apps.com, when you’ve searched for Levelset… into its, you know, the third-party apps to connect to QBO, they’ll have the direct phone number, as well, and another, I think it was a support email address I noticed out there. But a couple folks… I think it was George and another, maybe Annette, they had raised their hand on being in Texas, and you had mentioned something about Texas.

Webinar Host Michael Kungl:
Texas, as the saying goes, everything is bigger in Texas, and it’s certainly true with lien law, too. What’s difficult with Texas is that they require subcontractors and suppliers to monthly send notices, always due on the 15th of that month, to make sure that the certain contacts on the project are aware that there is an outstanding amount on the job.
And so, the easy part with Levelset is that we will track all of those deadlines and… excuse me, I’m going to go to a different account here that has a queue.

Co-host Woody Adams at Quickbooks:
Of course. Take your time.

Webinar Host Michael Kungl:
Do you see this queue on the left side of the panel?

Co-host Woody Adams at Quickbooks:
Yeah. Yeah, I noticed that, in the left-hand panel.

Webinar Host Michael Kungl:
Yes. The queue is where you can really start to automate and set reminders to send certain documents. When you’re in Texas, most of our Texas users, then, will say: Every month when I haven’t been paid by that 15th on a particular project, and I have a required notice that needs to be sent, this queue will keep organized with it so that you can see what’s coming up and what’s outstanding, and then approve the ones that need to be sent out.

Now, what’s really cool, though, is we have this approved monthly notices queue, too; we have the opportunity to allow you to wait up until 10 AM on the day the notice is due itself to cancel any notice. And so, if a customer, you’re concerned, will not come through in time by the 15th so you need to send out the monthly notice that’s due for the given invoices that are outstanding at the moment, we’ll hold it for you, giving you the opportunity to cancel it at the last minute if the check comes through the mail and gets it sent out.
We’ll still be able to guarantee that we’ll have that notice mailed on the date it’s due, but just gives a little bit more flexibility towards making it easier for your customers to get paid. I would certainly, if you’re in Texas, recommend reaching out. This is not enough to do it justice, and everybody can be a little bit different in Texas with how they like to have it handled. So, there are more ways that you can use these automation settings to make it even easier on your end. Again, specifically George and Annette, I would recommend that you each email me and I can send you some more information, and make sure that everything’s in the right place for you.

Co-host Woody Adams at Quickbooks:
That’s great! And if we have time for one more, Michael, excuse me. Just to make sure, once an intent to lien is issued… and you might have already answered it, but forgive me if I didn’t pick up on it, and we don’t hear a response to the intention letter after the 10 days given, do I create the mechanics lien or get it notarized, or do you handle the entire process? Does Levelset handle the serving of the lien, et cetera?

Webinar Host Michael Kungl:
We do it all! We take care of the stress of getting the lien filed, so when you do have the circumstance where you need to go through with it, it’s the same way as ordering your preliminary notice. We will go ahead and…

Every county can be different when it comes to the requirements for how the lien needs to be submitted. We take care of that for you. It’s a stressful situation that you’re in already, and so, we want to make it a little bit easier. Our team will work on getting it created, getting it notarized, getting it filed with the county, and then serving on the property owner. And again, once again, you’re able to just sit back and see all of that as it happens. We’ll document everything for you so that you’ll be able to have that history of what was done when, and if you ever need to provide that for your own attorney to go forward and file a lawsuit, for example, it’ll be documented all in one place for you.

Co-host Woody Adams at Quickbooks:
No, that’s awesome. And, yeah. Dinette just said, “Wonderful, takes a load off of my shoulders.” And that goes back to one of your points, right, on the deck you had? Absolutely. And a couple of people are asking about Foundation software. Do you all integrate with them, as well?

Webinar Host Michael Kungl:
At the end of the day, any company is able to… we can work with any accounting software system that’s able to set up some type of spreadsheet import. Everything’s a little bit different. Our QuickBooks Online is unique in that it’s that single sign-on, but Foundation, we have current customers who will schedule a weekly report to be run from Foundation, and it will send that, email that spreadsheet report to us, and we’ll get that uploaded on your end to update and refresh information.

Co-host Woody Adams at Quickbooks:
No, that’s awesome. And again, for those who are going to ask, Levelset’s working on a little more enhanced integration with Desktop. But with QBO, and hopefully what you saw, project tracking there, or just customers or sub-customers going over Levelset and it takes over from there. Or maybe with a third-party construction app and QBO and Levelset could be your package, if there’s more sophistication required or needed.

Hopefully, you guys have all seen that today. I want to thank you for taking the time out of your day to come to this presentation. It is going to be recorded, and I’ll be sharing that back with Levelset. Again, michael@levelset.com. You have his email address there. You can go to Apps.com and search Levelset, all one word, or just go to Levelset.com. Or Google it. I mean, there’s that, as well.

I want to thank Olivia, and then especially Michael. Thanks a lot for presenting today, and hopefully this has been helpful to everybody. Give Coy my best. Is there anything else you want to leave with the audience before we close for today?

Webinar Host Michael Kungl:
Just, thank you very much for joining in today. Please don’t be a stranger, and if you ever find yourself in the weird, wonderful world of New Orleans, come visit!

Co-host Woody Adams at Quickbooks:
Right on! All right. All right, thanks again, everyone. And I’ll leave the Q&A up for a bit, but I’m going to stop the recording, as well the audio. Have a great day.

Webinar Host Michael Kungl:
Thanks, everybody! Have a nice day.