Guide to filing a mechanics lien in Fayette County

Where is the Fayette County Prothonotary's Office that files mechanic liens?

You can file your mechanic liens in person at the Fayette County Prothonotary’s Office located at:

61 E Main Street
Uniontown, PA 15401

Phone: 724-430-1272
Fax: 724-430-4555

Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m

What is Fayette County's Recording Backlog?

The Fayette County Prothonotary’s Office does not publicly disclose information on recording backlog.

Should I file my mechanics lien in Fayette County?

If your construction project is located in Fayette County, then yes, you should file your lien here.

What are the margin & page size requirements to file a lien in Fayette County?

How can I make payment to the Fayette County Prothonotary's Office?

The Fayette County Prothonotary’s Office accepts check payments. Note that personal checks are not accepted. All professional checks returned for insufficient funds will be assessed a $30.00
fee. There will be no refunds after filing. Make all checks payable to Fayette County Prothonotary.

What are the filing fees to record a mechanics lien in Fayette County?

The Fayette County Prothonotary’s recording fees are as follows:

Lien Fees


No Lien Agreement: $21.00
MUNICIPAL Lien Claim (satisfaction included): $28.00
Mechanics Lien Claim (satisfaction included): $28.00
Mechanics Lien Complaint: $117.00
Writ of Scire Facias: $117.00
Satisfaction of Lien (lien filed prior to 02/01/2016): $7.00

Federal Tax Lien: $21.00
Commonwealth Lien/Judgment Roll: $21.00
Suggestion of Non Payment: $21.00
Satisfaction of Lien: $7.00

Copy Fees

Per Page Copies: $0.25
Certified Copies: $14.00

How do I get a recorded copy of my lien from the Fayette County Prothonotary's Office?

You can obtain a recorded copy of your lien in person at the Fayette County Prothonotary’s Office located at:

61 E Main Street
Uniontown, PA 15401

Phone: 724-430-1272
Fax: 724-430-4555

Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m

All records maintained in the Prothonotary office are available for public view unless sealed by the court.

Current filings are electronically scanned and made available for immediate view through a public terminal search or an off-site Infocon account. You can access Infocon’s website here:

Many older record indexes have also been scanned and available for viewing.

The public is welcome to conduct research in the Prothonotary Office by utilizing the three public terminals within the office.

Copy fees are as follows:

Per Page Copies: $0.25
Certified Copies: $14.00