How to Supercharge Cash Flow with Closeout Documentation Strategies
Closeout guru Caleb Taylor of Buildr explains how to streamline documentation from day one so you can get paid sooner every time.
Find out:
- How to systematically organize documents to fast track closeout and get paid retainage as soon as possible
- Why all parties benefit, leading to faster progress payments and better relationships
- What mechanics lien law protections to use as a remedy to existing closeout delays
Michael Williams: (00:04)
So welcome everyone. Thanks for joining me. And thanks for giving me a, a get out of jail free card to start the webinar. Uh, we have a really exciting webinar here, uh, working on talking about closeout, uh, with builders. So pretty, uh, pretty excited about this one. Uh, Caleb being, going to jump to the next slide. Yeah. All right. So, um, we have our main host and star of the show here is going to kill Taylor. He’s a cofounder and closeout guru for builder, and he’s going to be talking about the problems that you may experience during closeout. Why improving your closeout process really matters how to take your clothes out process to the next level. And then lastly, some tips and tricks to help your close out process. If you can leave this, uh, webinar learning a little bit, then we’re going to be happy. Yeah. I always want to at least improve your life by 2%. Again, that’s my goal. It’s 2% of the goal. Hopefully it’s more, but that’s the, that’s the goal. Yeah.
Michael Williams: (01:02)
Okay. Um, and before we jump in, I did, uh, I did want to mention that we level set just released our 2020, uh, Q3 construction payment report. Why is this important? We survey a lot of construction companies like you, um, and we all know that payment can be cumbersome and can be an issue. And a lot of that may be due to close out. Um, but reading through the report, you may pick up on some additional tidbits. So if Caleb’s gonna help you out 2%, maybe this can add another 2%. So, um, make sure to take a look. Um, and as you see bolded on the bottom 71% of contractors, that they spend up to five hours every week chasing down late payments. So as Caleb’s going to jump into these late payments and chasing, chasing down, payments can really help you, uh, can really make it difficult to close out, close out a project.
Michael Williams: (01:51)
So, uh, I feel like this, this can be a good resource for you to look through after you learn all that Caleb has to share so killed over to you. Uh, thanks for, thanks for taking the time to, to put on the presentation. Yeah. Awesome. I’m really excited to be here. Thank you, Michael. Thank you level set for inviting me, um, close outs, definitely something that we’re pretty passionate about here at builder. Um, spend a ton of time working on all different types of closeouts with our customers from billion dollar jobs to small TIS. Um, and we found a bunch of cool information and tips and tricks along the way over the last few years, um, that we’d love to be able to share with you. And I want to start just by telling you who the heck we are, what builder does. So we’re a post-construction platform that focuses hyper focuses on the closeout process. So a lot of us actually have been in construction tech for many, many years, came from pro Corp. Um, a lot of us did at least. And so we have seen a lot of amazing project management tools out there and software available, but we saw this huge void this whole, uh, when it came to post-construction and
Caleb Taylor: (03:00)
We noticed that closeout is a fairly painful process. And so we want to help automate that as much as we could. And we did the same for the warranty management phase, which comes right after the closeout phase, obviously. And then we set up the owners or the facility managers to manage this building successfully with easy access to everything that they need when it comes to information about their building. So that’s just a quick recap of who we are. Um, so for this, right,
Michael Williams: (03:25)
Hey, Kaitlin, real quick, before we jump in, I did forget to invite everyone in the audience. If you have questions or comments at any point in time at the bottom of your screen, you’ll see both the chat box and the Q and a I’ll be monitoring that through Kayla’s presentation. And so if you have a question on what he’s talking about at the moment, pop those questions in there and we’ll jump in and have him answer those as we go. Yup.
Caleb Taylor: (03:49)
Perfect. So glad you clarified that. So as you guys know, as you signed up for this, we want to talk about closeout. We want to help make sure we can get that retainers money sooner, get paid quicker as, as fast as possible. Um, but this specific topic is around close out and how that’s really a hurdle to, um, to getting paid. Um, that’s the last hurdle we have to jump over. So before we dive into this, let’s just define to make sure we’re all on the same page for what is closeout might sound obvious to a lot of us, but that’s that last phase of the project life cycle, right? It’s where we need to spend a lot of time collecting documents, organizing documents, uh, asking for trade partners from the documents, putting them all together and giving them to the client, right? It’s that last step before we can get paid for the work we’ve already done.
Caleb Taylor: (04:33)
And it’s crucial if we’re thinking about how can we get paid faster? Well, if we can do close out faster, that’ll make a big impact. And I think that I, um, would be remissed to, to ignore the fact that if I’m defining close out, if I left out the part that I think it’s everyone’s least favorite, uh, part of construction, at least everybody I’ve talked to, I have yet to speak with any project team member. That’s like, Oh, that is what gets me out of bed in the morning is thinking, man, I get to focus on close out today. I get to email trade partners, download documents, rename them, print out binders. Most people hate that. So that all of that kind of goes into this definition of close out that we’re talking about today. So if people hate close out, why is it so painful?
Caleb Taylor: (05:18)
What makes this process something that people dread typically? Well, first it’s usually an afterthought, right? We put so much energy into our trade, into our work, into our building. We take pride in that and we put a lot of energy and planning into that. And then once we near substantial completion or get to substantial completion, we don’t think about close out at all. It’s something that we throw on the back burner. We don’t prioritize. And typically we even make the person in charge of building the closeout package. One of the newer team members they’re often, uh, have less construction experience than everybody else. And typically that person is also already assigned to a new project. So it’s not their top priority either. They’re on another job, full day’s work. And then at the end of the day, they have to start collecting documents, renaming documents, organizing emailing people.
Caleb Taylor: (06:10)
And so it’s something that we just don’t prioritize. And that whole process of actually, when I’m done with my full time job during the day of building the package takes so much time, I feel like if you guys could speak to me, you weren’t muted than you out here. Some amens probably, but it’s painful. You have so much tedious work to do, um, to actually build this whole package. And it’s typically pretty painful process. And that doesn’t even take into account really the fact that a lot of you guys have to build physical binder still. So I wanted this to just pop up here on the screen and really we can feel its presence very painful. This takes so much time costs thousands of dollars for a lot of project teams. And it’s really, it’s the old school way of doing things, but a lot of your clients probably still require physical binders.
Caleb Taylor: (07:00)
Um, and I always try to encourage project team members not to have this question creep into your head, but sometimes that question comes to your head, which is, will anyone ever actually look at this? That’s like my first tip and trick, which is like, don’t think about that. That’s terrible because you think I’m handing them a binder that goes in a closet that nobody looks at it’s because that way of finding the information in a binder is so outdated. It’s often not used and that thought can be discouraging. So that’s why closeout is so painful right now. And that’s what we’re kind of going to be discussing. So now that we know, and we have defined the same, you know, definition here of what a close out is, we know it’s painful. Is it even worth talking about trying to improve it? If we’ve been doing this for so long, it’s worked up til now, why care about and invest time and energy into improving our closeout process?
Caleb Taylor: (07:54)
Does it even matter? Well, if you do invest time into it, there’s two big things that can happen for us. One is we can close out projects faster than ever before. And two, we can make our close out process better than ever before. So what happens when we do those two things first is obvious, right? We can get paid faster if we close out faster, again, it’s that last hurdle that’s keeping us from getting paid for the work that we’re actually doing. I mean, this is one of the big things that level set helps you with all the time, right? We want to help get you that money that you’re owed as fast as we possibly can. If we can do close out faster, that makes a big difference. I actually have, um, customers that, that said with builder, they were able to close out all their projects at least a week sooner than ever before.
Caleb Taylor: (08:42)
And that radically changed their business. They could do one more project a year. So what, what could your company do? What kind of impact would this have if you were able to close out faster than ever before, but that’s just faster, right? What if we didn’t just do the status quo faster than ever? What if we actually raised it to the next level and did close out better than we’ve ever done before? The biggest impact that we see from this is significantly improved relationships between trade partners and general contractors and general contractors and their clients and the owners. So this is actually close out phase is actually an opportunity to increase, repeat business. It’s a chance to wow, your customers and over deliver for them. Again, you spend so much time on your craft in your trade, on this building and you take pride in it.
Caleb Taylor: (09:36)
But the last touch point is this closeout phase. And if you don’t do this well, it leaves a bad taste in your client’s mouth from working with you. But if you over-deliver, it’s the last thing that they remember. It’s their last memory of working with you on this project? The AGC FMI report actually said that revenue from repeat business is the most noticeable, noticeable point of differentiation between profitable firms and less successful peers. This is huge and it’s more important now than ever. And that’s what we’ve seen and been told by our customers during COVID. We might be recognizing that it’s harder than ever to win new business, but any customer you have right now is an opportunity for a repeat customer. And if we over deliver, we set ourselves apart.
Caleb Taylor: (10:24)
Okay. So that’s why it’s important to actually care about close out. So how can we improve our closeout process? The first thing that’s so important is to actually have these thought out standardized processes before the end of the job, your company should have a clear way of doing all closeouts, doing all handovers to their clients. Without these processes, we’re typically are leaving the least experienced person on the project sometimes with the task of building this whole thing and giving something to the client that they’ll judge our partnership off of. I even had, um, I have a large GC customer in Texas, um, that talked about the importance of the standard processes. And they had a story of something that happened where he had an individual spending weeks building the whole turnover package, built it all on his computer. Like most people do, um, folders and files, put it on thumb, drives, handed it to the client.
Caleb Taylor: (11:23)
A few months later that client came back, they were looking to sell the building and they needed another copy of the whole turnover package cause they’d lost their flash drives and that computer had been wiped and there was no standard process in place for where to save the documents, where to save that final package, because it’s something that we just don’t prioritize us as companies typically, um, that was kind of one of those horror stories that stays with me, that he was like, it’s so nice that we can keep all these here and we can always back and download them. Next is we need to have this bird’s eye view of this whole closeout package process. It typically just lives on one individual’s computer on their spreadsheets and in their email that nobody else has access to. We don’t know exactly which documents we’re waiting on.
Caleb Taylor: (12:13)
We don’t know which trade partners still haven’t sent us this warranty or O and M manual, or we don’t know exactly what the owner’s looking for. As far as their closeout requirements go, it’s all just knowledge in one person’s head and on one person’s computer, we need access to have this bird’s eye view on where we are and that if we have that, that increases collaboration, which again, now with this new COVID world, we’re more disjointed than ever is so vital. If we can have feedback and communication and collaboration with all project team members, we increase our chances to actually speed up this close out process. If everyone is aware of which people were waiting on, which documents we’re waiting on, if everyone’s aware when a new documents submitted, they can all weigh in on if that’s the correct one and collaborate on it, that makes a massive difference.
Caleb Taylor: (13:04)
Instead of one person emailing all these different people. The other trip tip and trick here is that we have to start as early as we can. I feel like I hear all the time customers say yes, close. That should be started at the beginning. And then they’ll typically laugh and be like, huh, that never happened. So we wish it did. We want it to, it never happens with a standardized process. That’s clearly defined a plan of attack for your company. Then you can say, Hey, when we’re setting up these submittal logs, we include close outs. Middles. Every time we make sure that these items are clearly communicated to our trade partners very early on, if we start early, it makes a huge difference. And that’s the only way we can end early or on time. And a part of starting early is clearly identifying these handover requirements from the client.
Caleb Taylor: (13:54)
It needs to be very clearly defined from the beginning. Yes, we’ll go through the specs, but typically you want to clarify that with the team member, if you leave that till the end, you’re shooting yourself in the foot, because you’re hoping at the end, after you’ve been assigned to a new project, that you can then get everything clarified by the owner, collect it all and organize it all. And it takes a crazy long time. And then the last kind of tip and trick here is start thinking about how you can, over-deliver take it a step further. Don’t just turn over these binders. Don’t just turn over these folders and files. A lot of times they might still require those linked folders and files, right? But ask yourself, what can our company do that will set us apart during this kind of unknown time period with COVID that sets us apart from our competition during the closeout phase, I have some customers that actually, um, even before using builder or anything would go out and purchase an iPad for a couple of hundred bucks.
Caleb Taylor: (14:53)
You go out and buy an iPad and load it up with all of the documentation to hand to the client and the facility team, team members. That was a wow factor for them. They can now pull up and search any document they needed right there. And it costs you a couple hundred bucks. A lot of times, things like that make a big, big difference for wowing your customers. So I’ve also just kind of highlighted and briefly mentioned things that builder does. Um, but I want it to just clearly lay out what it is that our tool actually does when it comes to the closeout process here. So first thing is we’re going to help you move here into the 21st century when it comes to the closeout phase, we won’t need any more Excel spreadsheets, no more bulky binders. And we’re going to save at least 140 hours during the closeout phase, which is crazy and on bigger jobs sexually a whole lot more, but we’re going to help automatically email all the trade partners that you might need to collect documents from.
Caleb Taylor: (15:54)
We’re going to automatically organize the whole package with one click with hyperlinks and table of contents. Everything’s organized with one magic button, and then we’re going to allow for that insight and transparency company wide on where we are with each progress. We’re going to track all of our different clothes out that are being built. We get notifications on when we’re nearing substantial completion, everything like that. And then we’re going to make sure that the experience for each individual persona interacting with builder is unique and specialized to them. So the owner has their own portal for builder designed for them. GC would have their own portal designed for them. A subcontractor has their own portal, like for a trade partners. We don’t want you to have to remember another password, another username to log to a new software. We’ve actually streamlined it to make it crazy easy.
Caleb Taylor: (16:46)
And that’s one of the reasons why trade partners are such big fans of builder because it makes their life easier than ever before to know exactly what’s owed how to get it to them and do it quickly. And then we’re going to make sure that that final delivery deliverable that you give to the owner at the end is as impressive as possible. So no more binders, but now we have linked folders and files sales that have hyperlinked that are all local, that can be put on a flash drive with a cover sheet that makes it easy to find everything with bookmarks automatically created. We also allow you to make sure that the client and facility teams can access all the information from a mobile app, not just one iPad, but any mobile app that they’re using their phone or tablet. They have access to all of the documents right there for them, which is really nice.
Caleb Taylor: (17:34)
And then they also have their own web app to search all the close out documents so they can save it to the full, their server, that those folders and files, they can access it with the mobile app and with the web app. So that’s what builder does. And so what talked about today was one, why is closeout painful? What makes it so painful to why is it worth investing it? And then three, we gave you some tips and tricks as far as, you know, actually starting early, how to start early, how to start these processes. But I want to give you a few actual resources. So we have a totally free closeout checklist and template that anybody can download and use. That’s really helpful when you’re thinking about starting to really define these closeout processes for your company. So I want to give that to you for free.
Caleb Taylor: (18:24)
We also have this free drawings, hyperlink tool. So you guys might spend time actually recreating hyperlinks in Bluebeam. A lot of our customers do on drawings so that when you hand them that flash drive, they can open an Advil, click on an RFI and it just pulls it up right there for them. We have a tool that does that automatically. Like it literally creates all these deep hyperlinks for you and saves actually hundreds of hours for anybody that’s doing that. We’re giving you that as well for free. Um, so we want that to be just an added resource so we can provide for you. And then the biggest, uh, giveaway that we’re really excited about with our partnership with level-set is we are willing to extend a free trial to anyone that’s watching right now. We want you to be able to test, build her out if you want to try it, um, and just see how it fits your company and fits your workflow. Um, you’ve heard me talk about builder and talk about close outs, but why not test it out and give it to your team to try. Um, so thanks to our partnership with level set, we want it to be able to give you guys those three things, and then we’ve got a blog that has other tips and tricks for close out process as well that you can, um, feel free to check out. But yeah, that’s, that’s really what we wanted to provide you. And Michael, do you want to touch on these last two here?
Michael Williams: (19:41)
Yeah. And as I, as I mentioned at the start, if you want to access our construction payment surveys and take for some takeaways, you can go to level, and then looping in an issue of closing out a project, we all know retainage could be an issue. And so we have a lot of free documents and a lot of free resources to educate you on different aspects of tackling retainage effectively. And you can visit that, going to level and killed. We have a few questions from the audience. If you want to go ahead and jump into those. Yeah, absolutely. Let’s do some questions. Yeah. And I’d like to invite everyone else. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to type those in the Q and a box or the chat box and we’ll get to those. So the first question for you, Caleb, who are your major target customers, GCs, subcontractors, suppliers, who is builder best for,
Caleb Taylor: (20:31)
Yeah, that’s a good question. Majority of our customers are general contractors or owners that mandate that the general contractors use this. Um, but we actually have subcontractors that have subs themselves where this saves a ton of time when they’re collecting their own documents. And then because of how easy it is for subs and trade partners to use in the clarity it provides during this phase, we’ve seen a lot of them actually, um, just introduce us to their GCs, their GCs end up purchasing it so that the subs never have to buy it themselves, but then benefit from it. Um, so we have subs thousands of subs in our system using it every day, but they’re using an account that was purchased by GC typically.
Michael Williams: (21:14)
Sure, sure. Does it, uh, does it integrate with Corecon
Caleb Taylor: (21:19)
It does not integrate directly with core con we’ve got the, like the biggest or deepest integration we have is with Procor. So for anyone using project management tool, fro Corp, we have really, really impressive integrations with that, but it works with a bunch of different platforms, but we don’t have a direct integration with that.
Michael Williams: (21:37)
Sure. Um, got another good question here. Uh, is builder sold, uh, per workstation or per user? The question and the context behind that is we have someone who’s about to start a new job in South Florida and they really want to address the efficiency and some procedural issues that they kind of are anticipating for this new project. So would they be able to get one builder account for their entire company or how, how does that subscription service work, uh, for a multi-user organization?
Caleb Taylor: (22:06)
Yeah, that’s a great question. So we typically will set up an agreement with a business unit or a company as a whole, but we can do subscriptions as small as one project. So if you said, Hey, I’ve got one in mind. I know I can pay for it out of my budget and I can convince corporate to do this because we have the funds. We can start a subscription just for that one project, if you like, we never charge per user. Um, we feel like that contradicts the collaboration that we’re trying to add. Um, so you don’t have to worry about how many trade partners are jumping in here. How many team members, how many owners it’s unlimited users for any kind of builder, uh, usage.
Michael Williams: (22:44)
Okay. Um, and then another question, uh, let me see, I lost my lost my question box. Um, okay. Sorry. I had too many, too many windows open. Um, what is, so you mentioned the 140 hours saved. What is the biggest time saver that builder provides? So if you had to identify one aspect of what you provide that saves the bulk of that 140 hours, what would that one thing be?
Caleb Taylor: (23:13)
Yeah, that’s a good question too. Um, typically though, I mean, automatically following up with trade partners and audit, getting automatic emails, um, and notifications is, is really helpful to collect everything. But the biggest time-saver is once you’ve got everything into the builder system, when you just click that export button, I always call it the magic green button. Um, it’s like life changing because it literally creates the whole turnover package, bookmarks links, folders, and files, one PDF, a picture of your project. That one click saves so much time. And I’d say that’s probably the biggest time-saver, it’s just that final export where you don’t need to reorganize folders and files, you know, uh, download everything, rename stuff. We handle all of that. And so that’s probably the, the biggest time-saver that our customers experiences and builder.
Michael Williams: (24:10)
Sure. Um, thanks. Uh, and we have another question and F from Luke, the person posing this question, if I’m, I’m gonna, I think I understand what they’re asking, but Luke, feel free to jump in. If I don’t ask your question correctly, is there a rough ROI that’s been quantified quantified by your customers on their projects of the amount of the return that they get from using builder,
Caleb Taylor: (24:33)
Man, that it’s hard to put one number on it. So the number that we keep touching is the 140 hours saved. Cause that’s what we’ve seen as a minimum, that’s based off of like a 10 million, $8 million job. And then the time savings for something larger is obviously much bigger. The problem with just the ROI as a whole, um, for builder and putting that in one metric is the reason so many people actually invest in builder. Isn’t actually the time-saving that’s like what draws them to builder initially, but it’s the ability to over deliver for their customers. That’s why we’ve actually seen more growth as a company this summer than ever before is because people are saying I have to reinvest in my existing customer base to increase, repeat business. And so while I don’t have a specific metric on the ROI, I can tell you that’s, what’s going through the minds of our customers when they’re using builder is they’re saying now we’re able to provide web access to all of their close out documents to our owner. And they love that for every building they do with us. And it’s one more thing that makes them come back to that GC cause they know all of my documents are here online as well as saved on my server and everything. But to have them all online, easily accessible to all their team members is, is a huge over-delivery for them. So I think that’s probably the biggest impact when it comes to that return on investment. Is that repeat business?
Michael Williams: (25:59)
Yeah. That makes sense. That makes a ton of sense, especially given a given with everything going on right now we have another question, a good one. Uh, I think, uh, so many of our clients will not allow us to send any links or digital links to them. Their it departments are very strict. How do you address this issue?
Caleb Taylor: (26:20)
Yep. We hear that all the time when we work with some of these larger GCs. Um, so first off, when you create the package in builder, you would be emailed a zip file. And when you unzip that zip file, you put that on a flash drive and you hand that to the client. So that first thing that they’re getting that kind of bare minimum base is a perfectly organized folder structure, table of contents, cover sheet with hyperlinks that they can put on their server and have forever. Um, we also just side note, we never delete data. So even if customers come back three years later and say, Hey, can you re export that we always have it all and can always redo that export, but that’s the first answer to that question is you don’t have to deliver it by sending them a link. Even our web app, which allows them to access everything online is done through an email introduction.
Caleb Taylor: (27:12)
And it’s a personal connection. So it’s done when our GCs, um, say to their client, Hey, we have purchased a service called builder so that you owner never have, you don’t have to pay for this, but they are now going to create an account for you that the owner has the ability to add any users they want, but it’s not just one link that’s emailed to them. Um, they would create a username and password and have access to their own builder account. That’s provided by you as the contractor. Our goal is to make the contractor, the superstar, the rock star that adds all the value. So those are two ways we’ve seen around it. Cause you’re not just emailing them some link that they have to download, put it on a flash drive, they save it to their server and then we set them up with their own account, um, with builder.
Michael Williams: (28:00)
Great. I actually have a question myself. So I’ll put it in context of level set. So level-set helps contractors get paid. And a lot of our customers and a lot of our users come to us, uh, through a pain project in the past where they’ve either not been paid or they’ve experienced really slow payment. So they come to level set to say, Hey, I don’t want to experience this again. What can you do to help? So taking that example, what is the equivalent for builder? What are some telltale signs of someone experiencing something in the closeout process, certain pains or certain frustrations that you would go to them and say, Hey, this is exactly what we exist for. This is something we can help. So for our listeners on the call, what are some things that they may be experiencing now that would, that would be good indications that you can help them.
Caleb Taylor: (28:46)
Yeah, that’s great. The first is just, if you have one, one person at your company or a couple that do close outs check to see how they’re feeling, um, typically it’s, it’s somewhat overwhelmed and stressed out, um, and feeling like they have so many different projects they need to close out. And so to have a dashboard that shows them all of their projects, the status is of all of them, um, simple to do list items that remind them, Hey, this document needs your approval. You need to ask this sub again, or we’ll send out an automatic notification to the subcontractor. That’s one pain point that people come to all the time is it’s just so time consuming. And a lot of people actually find they can have one person do more closeouts than ever before using builder, which is nice. But also when we think about some of these big projects, like we had a Mortenson come to us because they had a project that had a 45,000 inspections and a 32,000 observations that all had photos as attachments and they couldn’t get it out of their project management tool.
Caleb Taylor: (29:50)
And so they actually came to builder. We were able to, to connect to it and automate all this. They thought it would, they asked me it would take three weeks and we were able to do it in a couple hours. And so through this process of automatically building the turnover, package, folders and files, linked PDFs, any big projects like that, that feel overwhelmed, um, are, uh, really, you know, it’s a really big help for, or even just people that say we don’t have any kind of standard process for closeout. I don’t even know how our team members are doing close out. Cause it varies from person to person. If you feel that way, then builder provides this structure so that you can ensure that your clients always receive the same high quality experience when they work with you.
Michael Williams: (30:36)
Awesome. Got another question from the audience, how’s it. How’s your pricing structured for context? Uh, the person asking is a small earthworks, um, with an average project size of $2 million. So if they were just looking to use you guys for, for one project, what would that look like? And then for all of their projects, how would that pricing differ based on a project or a full or full subscription?
Caleb Taylor: (30:59)
Yeah, that’s great. So it varies from project size, right? So a billion dollar project is obviously going to be more than a $2 million project and it’s just a sliding scale, but we typically do it based off of annualized construction volume. If your company wants to purchase it annual subscription. So if you said, Hey, after our free trial, let’s start with these two projects. We would give you a quote for what those two projects of $4 million would be. And then you could scale it up if you wanted and at other projects in the future, but it’s all just like a sliding scale as far as how big those projects are. Cause we don’t care about the number of users or anything like that. It’s just the $1 million project is going to be less than that one, 1 billion.
Michael Williams: (31:44)
Great. Well that covers all of our audience questions. We’ll give another minute or so just to see if anyone has any other questions, if any of the attendees have any more questions, go ahead and type those in the question box. And if not, then, uh, then we can, we can wrap things up. So I, I, maybe I missed it when I was looking through a question, but Caleb, what was, what’s the next step? If someone wants to utilize the free trial, how do they, how do they contact you or what’s, what’s the necessary next step to utilize that free trial?
Caleb Taylor: (32:14)
Yeah. Great question. So we’re going to be emailing everybody so that you can email back and you can say your raise your hand, Hey, I’d like to try this out or I would just want to try this drawing hyperlinked tool or this checklist. Can I download that? Just let us know. We will always want to be able to add value first and upfront. So we’re going to email everybody and that makes it really easy to apply to the email. If you’re interested. Um, in the meantime too, you can go to our website and fill out a form. If you just mentioned that you were on this webinar, then we’ll make sure that we honor all the giveaways here. So that’s builder Um, obviously builder has no E cause we’re a tech company, so we have to misspell it. That’s like a requirement. Um, so build your is where you can fill out a form to, and you can check out a lot more information on our site if you want. Great.
Michael Williams: (33:03)
All right. Well, it looks like we don’t have any more questions from the audience. Uh, Caleb, I really appreciate your time. I took a lot away from this as I’m sure everyone else did, uh, looking forward to seeing, you know, everyone utilize the free trial and, and improve their clothes out.
Caleb Taylor: (33:19)
Yeah. Thank you, Michael. Thank you level set, Tina. So it’s fun to be a part of and uh, hopefully this was valuable to you guys. If you want any of those free resources, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’ll be happy to give them to you.
Michael Williams: (33:28)
Yeah. And I think then on the next slide, it has both of our email addresses. If we want to jump to that. Yeah. Yeah. That’s all right. I just wanted to mention that. So, um, if they can contact you and then if you guys have any questions in regards to level set and in ways we can help you guys get paid faster on your projects, then don’t hesitate to email me as well.
Caleb Taylor: (33:50)
Absolutely. I love it.
Michael Williams: (33:52)
Thanks everyone for attending. I hope you have a great rest of your week and Caleb. Thanks again. This was great.
Caleb Taylor: (33:57)
Yeah. Thank you, Michael. Talk to you guys later.
Speaker 1: (33:59)
Alright. Thanks everyone. Bye.
Speaker 2: (34:01)