Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Can a lien be filed on a home build for "administrative fees," "operational fees," or "supervisional fees?"

Can a lien be filed on a home build for "administrative fees," "operational fees," or "supervisional fees?"

KentuckyConstruction ContractMechanics Lien

Can a mechanics lien be filed on a home build for "administrative fees," "operational fees," or "supervisional fees?" Its my understanding that these liens can only be filed for materials and labor.

1 reply

Sep 13, 2019
In Kentucky, a mechanics lien cannot exceed the contract price for the improvement. So, a contractor who has added additional fees on top of the contract price for the work may end up creating problems for themselves. In fact, overstating a mechanics lien amount is a common reason that mechanics liens are invalidated. For more information on that idea, these resources should be valuable: (1) What Costs Can I Include in a Mechanics Lien? (2) Intentionally Fraudulent vs. Honest Mistakes
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