
General Contractors in Michigan

Testimonials and Payment History

1387 filtered results

General Contractors 

Case Construction LLC is a General Contractor based in Michigan. They’ve worked on 9 projects based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

Case Plumbing is a Subcontractor based in Michigan. They’ve worked on 0 project based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

Cass Erectors Inc. is a Subcontractor based in Michigan. They’ve worked on 0 project based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

Castle Commercial Carp is a Subcontractor based in Michigan. They’ve worked on 15 projects based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

CBH Building & Development is a General Contractor based in Michigan. They’ve worked on 6 projects based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

CBK Construction Company is a General Contractor based in Michigan. They’ve worked on 0 project based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

CBRE Group, Inc. General Contractor

"Becoming a vendor is an intense process, but they are a great company to work for, and the communication is outstanding." - 2 years ago

CDM SmithGeneral Contractor

CDM Smith is a General Contractor based in Michigan. They’ve worked on 13 projects based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

CDT Builders, LLCGeneral Contractor

CDT Builders, LLC is a General Contractor based in Michigan. They’ve worked on 40 projects based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

CEI Michigan, LLC dba CEI Group LLC is a General Contractor based in Michigan. They’ve worked on 1 project based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

Centex HomesGeneral Contractor

Centex Homes is a General Contractor based in Michigan. They’ve worked on 21 projects based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

CentiMark Corporation is a Subcontractor based in Michigan. They’ve worked on 288 projects based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

Central Contractors is a Subcontractor based in Michigan. They’ve worked on 4 projects based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

Central Excavating is a Subcontractor based in Michigan. They’ve worked on 3 projects based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

Central Interiors Inc. (MI) is a Subcontractor based in Michigan. They’ve worked on 14 projects based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

Century Construction is a Subcontractor based in Michigan. They’ve worked on 0 project based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

CertaSite, LLC is a Subcontractor based in Detroit, Michigan. They’ve worked on 22 projects based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

Charleston Mill Service Company is a Subcontractor based in Michigan. They’ve worked on 0 project based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

Chelsea Lumber Company is a Subcontractor based in Michigan. They’ve worked on 3 projects based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

Chinoski Building Group, Inc. is a Subcontractor based in Michigan. They’ve worked on 2 projects based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

Christen Detroit is a Subcontractor based in Detroit, Michigan. They’ve worked on 0 project based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

Christian Mechanical Contracting is a Subcontractor based in Michigan. They’ve worked on 18 projects based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

Christman Constructors, Inc. (CCI) is a General Contractor based in Michigan. They’ve worked on 6 projects based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

Christopher Contracting, LLC (MI) is a General Contractor based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. They’ve worked on 0 project based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

Chrome Dome Construction is a General Contractor based in Michigan. They’ve worked on 0 project based on available information. On this page you can find testimonials, job history, office information, and more to ensure successful projects together.

Frequently Asked Questions about Michigan General Contractors

How many General Contractors are there in Michigan ?

There are 1980 GCs in Michigan. If you are a property / developer owner looking for a GC for a project, it’s important to look at a GCs past payment history and reputation as a project partner. Choosing the right GC could be the difference between a lien filed on the project due to slow pay or a successful project where all companies are paid quickly and fairly.

How many projects have Michigan General Contractors worked in the last 12 months?

There have been approximately 109862 projects General Contractors have worked on in Michigan in the last 12 months based on available construction data.

How can I check testimonials of a Michigan General Contractor?

There are several different sites to check for testimonials about GCs you’re thinking about working with. You can browse Levelset’s Payment Profiles to find testimonials from other construction companies to understand how a GC pays their vendors, their job reputation, and how good they are as a project partner. Checking testimonials of GCs are important and could save you time, money, and most importantly remove stress from slow or non-payment. If you know anyone who could share their experience working with a specific GC, be sure to share their profile link and get their perspective.

Visit Our Frequently Asked Questions Page

Recent Michigan Contractors Testimonials from other Construction Companies

Their process once setup is very scalable and doesn't require much oversight. As it can happen, they did not include us on a monthly pay app (during the middle of the project). W... Read More

6 months ago

I have had pretty good luck with Brinkmann. Like with all general contractors, read your contract. If you don't understand what you're signing, or you can't be bothered with readi... Read More

a year ago

Big D is a great General Contractor and we love working with them. They pay ontime and the staff is very nice and supportive

a year ago

It took some follow up to make sure they were going to pay on time, but they were cooperative and communicative. We will continue to do business with them moving forward.

a year ago

Although there have been some interesting billing requirements, they have mostly paid on time. A few checks have been sent snail mail without tracking, which doesn't make any sens... Read More

a year ago

Clayco has the most professional construction operation in the business. We have worked with them on SC-1 and look forward to working again with them on SC-2 and SC-3

a year ago

Paid upon completion for first few jobs and the. I set up Net 30 terms. I haven’t had an issue yet. I will update this in the future if necessary.

a year ago

just set it up before hand with terms ...they are excellent!!!! ..national const cleaners

a year ago

The accounting dept. at DSC is reliable, honest, and responsive. Their process is straight forward and they never drag their fee or sit on disbursements intended for their subs.

a year ago

Not sure about other comments but nothing but a great experience! Professional company and was paid every month on time

a year ago

Great contractor with amazing people on their staff. Very honest when it comes to change orders and always pays on time.

a year ago

Wonderful to work with!

a year ago

Professional, informative, integrity, and service.

a year ago

They are clear and transparent in their payment. I haven't ever gotten the run around for non payment.

a year ago

They were really supportive and patient with us when we had questions or delays in getting all the paperwork sorted. Also, they paid on time. Great and efficient payment process ov... Read More

a year ago