
State / County Construction Projects in the United States

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23030 filtered results

State / County 

Recent Activity:
2Permit Filled
4Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
3Permit Filled
14Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
10Prelim Notices
1Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
3Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
1Permit Filled
2Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

1600 Holloway Ave, San Francisco, CA 94132

  Project inSAN FRANCISCOCalifornia
  Last Known GC:  Rosendin Electric
  Project Type:State / County projects

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
42Prelim Notices
90Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
1Permit Filled
2Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
0Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
1Permit Filled
5Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
0Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
2Permit Filled
0Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
2Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
11Prelim Notices
2Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
13Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

10801 6th St, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

  Last Known GC:  Kindness General Contractors LLC
  Project Type:State / County projects

Recent Activity:
3Permit Filled
11Prelim Notices
14Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
1Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
4Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
11Permit Filled
4Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
2Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

301 W Jefferson St, Phoenix, AZ 85003

  Project inPhoenixArizona
  Last Known GC:  Rosendin Electric
  Project Type:State / County projects

Recent Activity:
7Permit Filled
13Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
4Permit Filled
2Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
13Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
0Permit Filled
116Prelim Notices
77Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
1Permit Filled
4Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers

Recent Activity:
2Permit Filled
6Prelim Notices
0Lien Waivers