Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>How should I formally communicate with a contractor asking for reimbursement of over-payments that I made?

How should I formally communicate with a contractor asking for reimbursement of over-payments that I made?

MichiganChange OrdersLawsuit

I have a contractor renovating a building for me. It is a Cabin in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I made an over-payment of $6000 over six months ago. I caught the over-payment when I reviewed the contracts and estimates of material and labor. I also determined that there are two contracts for the same work except there was a revision that I requested. The revision was written in a different format. After reviewing those I adjusted the over-payment to $15500. I informed the contractor of the over-payments but he does refuses to consider refunding the money to me. How should I proceed? Should I simply consult a lawyer?

1 reply

May 3, 2022
You should ALWAYS COMMUNICATE IN WRITING. Send a demand letter for an explanation of the duplicate contract for the same work or for a refund. If you receive an unacceptable explanation consult a lawyer.
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