
Kitchell Testimonials

15 other subs and suppliers have reviewed their experience with Kitchell. 6 also included specific feedback. Read about their experience, what they enjoyed, and the constructive feedback they wanted to share.

What other contractors are saying about working with Kitchell

How would you describe their payment process, speed, and policy?

Just started working with these guys and have only had positive experiences so far.Very fair and quick to pay. Noticeably faster payment than other sized GC's. Excellent.

2 years ago

Kitchell pays well and takes care of you

3 years ago

Loved working with Kitchell. Payment process was easy and fast

3 years ago

Kitchell is awesome. We've had about a half dozen jobs with them and have enjoyed working together every time. Good team, good people, and great work.

3 years ago

We worked a job with Kitchell last month and they made payment on our big commercial job easy and straightforward. It's not common to find GCs like them who make it easy on subs like us. Thanks for a good experience and hope to work together again soon.

3 years ago

Awesome partner to work with. We recommend them to other subs and suppliers

3 years ago

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