Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Will adding the bank information to my lien that is already submitted over a year ago affect my lien if i add info

Will adding the bank information to my lien that is already submitted over a year ago affect my lien if i add info

IllinoisLien ForeclosureLien Priority

Im looking to foreclose a mechanics lien. I had levelset do the mechanics lien in Chicago , ILL. On the lien documents I noticed that the bank information was not placed on the lien. Will it effect my lien if i add the banking information..

1 reply

May 17, 2022
If you amend the lien, it can only be affective against the owner. You would, therefore, be defeating your purpose. If you are a subcontractor, and you haven’t served the lender with a 90 day notice, you cannot do anything to affect the lenders interest in the property. If you were hired directly by the owner, your lien may be effective against the lender but only if it were filed within four months of your last work. It also depends on the language of your lane claim. Obviously, there is no simple answer to your question based on the information you provided.
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