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Will a verbal contract hold up in a court of law?


The homeowner made a verbal contract with me for work performed. Afterwards she thought I overcharged her and wouldn't pay. When I bid the job I suggested that she get more bids and she said she was fine with mine.

1 reply

Jul 20, 2021
An oral contract is enforceable if it met all the elements for a contract. You do not describe exactly what was stated to know if all the elements were met. Accordingly, I am going to assume you entered an oral contract. As to whether the judge or jury will agree that an oral contract was entered is speculation without enough facts. They may. They may not. The only way to find out is to file suit and see. With that said, you still have lien rights as those rights do not require a written contract so consider filing a lien. If the amount due is $7500 or less, sue in small claims. I hope it works out. Please, hire a construction lawyer and they can provide you a proper written contract to use going forward.
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