Sand Creek Timber Frames LLC contracted with a General Contractor, Groundbreakers LLC, to provide fabricated trusses on 5 Cabins located at the Dallas Hunting & Fishing Club. The lien was placed on the Dallas Hunting & Fishing Club land where these 5 cabins are located. When I asked my contact with Dallas Hunting & Fishing Club who owned the land these cabins are being built, her reply was: “The cabin owner holds a land lease for the property their cabin is being built on. Each cabin owner has an individual lease and an individual building contract. The exception is the Rental Cabin, which is owned by the club outright.” She insists that I need to contact the cabin owners directly because they had separate contractors with the General Contractor, Groundbreakers LLC. We also only were contracted with Groundbreakers LLC and do not have more than a name of the projects, however the cabins still appear to be built on Dallas Hunting & Fishing Land. The property addresses I have are Lot numbers(7, 9, 10, 11, 13) Dowdy Ferry Rd, Dallas, TX 75217.