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When do I file a lien


I'm a subcontractor on a job and they have decided to hold all construction work at this time and shut the site down. I am still owed money from a billing, as well as all the retainage that has been held. Our last date on site was 4/17/23. What are my rights as far as a lien goes since they put a STOP to the work?

5 replies

May 5, 2023

Did you provide Notice to Owner?

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May 5, 2023

If you haven’t been paid and you have served a Notice to Owner, you should record a claim of lien. Contact a construction attorney for further ideas on your path forward.

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May 5, 2023

Yes, a notice to owner was sent at the start of the job. 

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May 5, 2023

Assuming it was properly served, you'd need to record a claim of lien within 90 days. After that, you'd need to hire a contruction attorney.

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May 9, 2023
You have a little bit of time to record a lien, until 90 days after 4/17, but sooner is better.
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