Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>What should we do if the contractor is threatening to put a lien on our house?

What should we do if the contractor is threatening to put a lien on our house?

GeorgiaMechanics Lien

Our renovating contractor is threatening to put a lien on our house because we do not want to pay the extra money he is asking for that he never discussed with us our asked for our approval and it was not on the contract. What should we do? Of note, we paid him everything on contract on time but he hasn’t finished his project. There are still cabinet doors missing.! He took them out to fix and said he won’t come back to put them back in if we don’t pay and of course threatening the lien.

1 reply

Jul 14, 2021

There is nothing you can do to stop someone from filing a lien. It's an administrative task. Once the lien is recorded there are some ways to shorten the timeframe for the contractor to take the steps to perfect the lien. But none of this moves quickly. I HIGHLY recommend working things out with the contractor even if it means spending more money. If you end up in a fight, it will last way longer than you think it should, cost way more money than you think it should, and take way more time and emotional energy that you can possibly believe and you will never be happy in the end.

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