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What should I learn as a new credit manager?

I just got a job as a credit manager at a general contractor, and am brand new to the industry. I feel like I’m back in grade school -- there are so many new topics that I haven’t dealt with before - liens, retainage, etc. I’m learning a lot, but I feel kinda overwhelmed. Where do I start?

2 replies

Jan 26, 2021
Congratulations on joining the construction industry as a credit professional!  Once here, we promise, you will never want to leave.  The best place to start is taking a course on Basic Credit Principles and joining an Industry Credit Group.  What state are you covering for your portfolio?  I can refer you to some excellent people and peer groups depending on what you cover.  In addition, I would take a Mechanics Lien and Bond law class, which I have conducted as a webinar that you can check out here:   I wish you the best in your new position and please feel free to contact me directly if you ever need additional help.
1 person found this helpful
Jul 19, 2022
Patient and try my game to learn to manage your time spades online is a game that you are worth trying in this summer.
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