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What's my course of action to get paid.


I'm a GC in California. I have a cabinet closet project. Pretty much turning a bedroom into walk in closet. Scope of work is was cabinets for new room, new lighting, painting walls and ceiling, and staining cabinets. Cost of job 63000.00. Got 50% upfront. I was in the middle of cabinet installation and got a call from the client to stop project. All electrical, demo, reframing, and ceiling painting was finished at this point. I also had all cabinets positioned for installation on site. Client said they wanted to sell house and cabinets were to custom for all potential buyers. I had already invoiced for another 29000.00 for second payment as I do once cabinets are on site. I talked to Client they wanted cabinets stored in the garage and would try to sell them to potential buyers. They told me to go forward with finishing the cabinet project in garage. I've invoiced every Friday for four weeks with no response. How do I move forward? Thank you, Eric Orr Orr Construction Inc.

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Mar 1, 2022
English as a foreign language instructor here at the National University of Science and Technology new species in this series of videos for the academic Writing Center I will be talking about different concepts techniques and strategies related to the field of academic writing in English in this first video I'd like to begin the series by providing a brief introduction to the field of academic writing and answer the following questions question 1 what is academic English number 2 what is academic writing number 3 what are the general character stics of academic writing and number 4 why's academic writing important. Check Out: top hnd assignment help Let's begin by addressing the first question what is academic English according to dr. Karen oh well of the Cambridge University Language Center at its most basic academic English is the variety of the English language that we use to share research research refers to the process of answering a research question by creating an argument that is supported through critical analysis and the use of evidence we use academic English to reach a wide general academic audience in an attempt to persuade them that the argument we've created to answer our research question is an effective one there are two varieties of academic English spoken academic English and written academic English. top nursing assignment help
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Mar 1, 2022
At first blush I'm somewhat concerned in the manner in which you requested the initial payments from the homeowner. Please see Business and Professions Code Section 7159. Regardless, if you're the GC and gave the "Mechanics Lien Warning" Notice along with your written contract, you should be able to either file a Mechanics Lien (if less than 90 days since project was completed or cancelled). If you did not serve the Notice along with the Written Contract, then you can file a lawsuit based upon breach of written contract. I anticipate the homeowner's attorney will give you a hard time regarding arguable non-compliance with 7159, but regardless you could still prevail on a Quantum Meriut theory even if your written contract is defective. If you don't want to deal with the litigation, you can send it to a collections agency and they can handle it. Now, it would probably be to your benefit to have a construction law attorney review your: contract; plans, permits, and invoices to provide you with a proper analysis and recommendations.
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Mar 1, 2022
Dear Eric, If you are located in San Clemente, it looks like you may have a lot of issues concerning your contracting practices and the status of your license. I recommend that you consult with an experienced construction attorney to assist you.
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Mar 3, 2022
I would record a lien for the amount owed.
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