Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>What if I didn't file prelim and intent to lien on time?

What if I didn't file prelim and intent to lien on time?


I'm a supplier and we failed to file a prelim and an intent to lien in proper time. What other recourse do we have to help us remedy this issue?

2 replies

Nov 5, 2020

The statute of limitations is 4 years on a breach of a written contract. 

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Nov 5, 2020

Even without a prelim or inten to lien, you can still recover against the company that you supplied your product to as you have a contract with them. If the amount is enough, once suit is filed, even though you can't lien the project, you can seek a writ of attachment against the company you sold your product to which, if granted, will allow you to attach assets of the company until judgment is issued.

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