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What happens after the 1 year lien period?


What happens after 1 year if they never pay ? IS a lien actually worth the time and money WE have to pay on top of not being paid, if it only lasts 1 year? What if they don't sell their house? We just continue to go unpaid, and on top of that now we've paid for the lien as well.

1 reply

Dec 20, 2021

Give my office a call for a free consultation 260-782-1712. In short, the lien is ineffectual after a year per statute. You have to renew it prior to when it expires. If you do so, you get another year to initiate suit to attempt to get paid in full for your work/materials and/or any attorney's fees assocaited with foreclosing on the lien. If you are outside the year and did not renew it, you very likely cannot proceed on the lien. 

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